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  1. #1
    boss is offline New Member
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    Gakic? Creatine?

    Im on a ketogenic diet and Ive lost 115 lbs since February so I weigh in at about 330, and my goal weight is 210-235 at 6 ft 1. The key is since I started my diet I seem to have gotten slighty weaker which has pissed me off because I dont want to lose my strength. My main thing is losing weight so I dont want to Jeoprodize that goal by any means, so I was wondering about Gakic or some form of Creatine to supplement my training. I dont know if they or any other strength supplements for that matter are compatible with my fat loss. If they arent I wont even dream of looking at them. I just want to look and feel strong even as I lose this weight.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    This does not belong here. I will now move this to the supplments forum where you will be able to get more of an accurate answer.

    Congratulations on the weight loss, keep up the great work.


  3. #3
    boss is offline New Member
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    Thanx oh and Sorry about that.

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    That's ok mate, not a problem


  5. #5
    PeteyK's Avatar
    PeteyK is offline Associate Member
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    creatine causes water retention which can decrease the amount of visible veins but it shouldnt hamper fat loss

  6. #6
    androbolic_09's Avatar
    androbolic_09 is offline Associate Member
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    Look into some creatine ethyl ester, or kre alkalyn. That will give u creatine gains w/o creatine mono bloat. And u can use less of it than with mono.

  7. #7
    PeteyK's Avatar
    PeteyK is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by androbolic_09
    Look into some creatine ethyl ester, or kre alkalyn. That will give u creatine gains w/o creatine mono bloat. And u can use less of it than with mono.
    good call on that, i take kre-alkalyn because ur muscles absorb it better and u can take less b/c of that. take creatine to help u train longer and harder instead of for size

  8. #8
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    You can definetly add a creatine which will might midly bloat you a lil bit. If you take the ethyl ester you may not see any bloat. It will help add strength, and creatine is also used very well along side a good fat burning diet. goodluck bro and 115 pounds is amazing! keep up the good work.

  9. #9
    brjrj0000's Avatar
    brjrj0000 is offline Member
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    gakic is the biggest waste of money ever

  10. #10
    androbolic_09's Avatar
    androbolic_09 is offline Associate Member
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    gakic is the biggest waste of money ever
    MOST Muscletech products are. Too bad theyre worthless, cuz if they werent, then we all would look like Jay. Friggin fake adds, "this is how I but on 10 lbs for the Mr.O!! " BS!!!

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