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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Supplement companies...on the cutting edge? Maybe not.

    Check my blog today. I'm kind of annoyed with the whole industry pretending that they (we?) know more than others, and that we're doing all this research to bring these new products to market. It's all bullshit. Read my blog, and I pretty much tell you how 99% of supp companies "find" all this new shit they put out.

    It may be eye opening for some of you, maybe not. But it tells you how to know everything "we" in the industry know before you...and how to know it as soon as we do.

  2. #2
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    Good read AR

  3. #3
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    That's pretty great.

    Well i'm off to design my new supplement...

  4. #4
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yes I hear what you are saying and that is the problem with a lot of supps. The FDA approval is what causes the costs to go up. So IMO, it is important to not just pop everything and anything in your system because the support and claims on product are not regulated and you could essentially be eating some baking powder in a pill. Or even something worse for that matter. Well lets take you for example. Your new product... to tell you the truth I don't know what kind of research went into it and if a proper statistical analysist was conducted on your product, but I do know that you have spent a lot of time contributing to the steroid community and that accounts for something. So I make a decision to try it based on your work throughout the years. The other part is that no product or service will stand the test of time if it is bogus so certain underground companies that have been around for some time with no major credentials backing up products; usually have the basics of research, knowledge and studies covered to at least offer something that works.

    So what does this have to do with anyone else doing their own research like you stated. Well yes, a lot of people can contribute to this industry, but it does take time to research and learn the basics.. When I say basics that is the basics, but the basics are very extensive and time is needed to get there. If human anatomy was not a focus in a college education, then a person at least needs to learn the basics before expending any type of energy on the next step.

    So at the end of this, time = money. If it is not for recreation and for contribution to the community and a lot of time is needed, then there needs to be a pay off or some return for the efforts and time.

    I don't know if you received any money for a lot of the things you researched and wrote up around here and on the inet, but I do think at a minimum, you are owed a thanks if not a monetary reward.

    It is very risky to spend the time and get the support to develope a product without some kind of backing.. If anything how would a marketing strategy work if me (joe blows sd pill) was out on the market..

  5. #5
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Also, I try to buy products like NO2 and CE2 when I buy the basics due to the fact that I understand the process that was went through to get FDA approval... not because it is better or the best, but because I understand what they contributed to the industry with the research.

    I buy a lot of stuff and go after the money savings when possible, but when feasible, I try and support the basic products that have gone through a hefty approval process because of what I stated above along with a few other reasons. Believe it or not they actually pave way for certain standards in the industry and that affects all of our health.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred

    I don't know if you received any money for a lot of the things you researched and wrote up around here and on the inet, but I do think at a minimum, you are owed a thanks if not a monetary reward. .
    Thank you. I get paid for what I do (articles, books, supplements, consults)...although my blog, my site, and my posts aren't things I am paid for (nor the e-mails I answer)....those I do pro bono, I guess...

    This (writing about steroids , designing supps, etc..) is my only job..sooo...while...

    I don't think I'm going to be "rich" anytime soon, but I can earn a living working for myself and doing what I that's monetary reward enough. But the compliment was nice too.

  7. #7
    crazycrab is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2006
    I beleive most of the supp. comp. are theives. evry thing is going to give us results in no time. I agree with rockinred. I have found your research helpful and respect your opinions.

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