Since the bann and discontinuation of Oxodrol 12, virtually every single web site (with a few exeptions) still has the link on their site to purchase oxo 12 but then it says it is banned and has been replaced by Oxevol. Sometimes it says "see Oxevol." Now i keep hearing more and more about oxevol. I recently found a thread in which someone discussed thier new oxevol cycle of three weeks week1=12mg, week 2&3=24mg. that is exactly the same dosages as my oxodrol 12 cycle i started 5 days ago. so i guess one pill of oxevol is 12 mg just as is oxodrol12. so i was wondering what is the difference? and since oxevol is trying to replace the once "newest craze" oxodrol it a legitimate replacement or dumbed down alternative that will never fil its predecessor's shoes? I was also wondering about this new IDS Oxodrol Pro and how it stacked agaisnt the original oxodrol 12.