just recently a few of my m8s have tried these PHs and pro steroids . iv heard of M1T, methl drol, halodrol 50, halovar, superdrol, amongst a shit load of others. basically, i want to know what these compounds are compared to real steroids?? are they clones or copies of real steroids?? so for example is haladrol 50 a copy of oral turinabol and is M1T a copy of test?? if so which ones are the 19nors etc???

The reason im asking is that im interested in kick starting my next cycle with one of these PHs. iv heard ppl gain 12lbs in 2 weeks on this stuff with no sides!!????

what are the side effects of these compounds like??? im mainly worried about the possibility of androgenic sides. The reason im opting to kick start with a PH is 1. i dont want to risk losing my hair by using something like dbol and 2. Im intrigued to give the PHs a go.

anyway - i know its a long post and iv asked shit loads of Qs but i just wana get to the bottom of this 1. cheers - s