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  1. #1
    MikedaMan57 is offline Junior Member
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    Unhappy Help... I need a game plan

    OK... I am doing my cardio... lifting hard... seeing results... but I need a game plan as far as the supplements I want to take and when and how... If anyone cares to reply to this I thank you greatly

    First I bought liquid clen ... I want to start 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for april and may

    I also was thinking of buying AMP02 and/or lipoflame...

    I just want to know what you guys think is the best combo (without gear for now) of fat burners and creatine and preworkout supps for me... I dont wanna get all boated like I used to feel on cell-tech... but if its gonna help me out a lot in the longrun then let me know...

    anyone for a 12 week supplement plan including my clen?...
    I really wanna know if i should take the NO explod i have or get some AMP02 and how to do this lipoflame with my clen
    Last edited by MikedaMan57; 03-26-2008 at 06:09 PM.

  2. #2
    rickrick55's Avatar
    rickrick55 is offline Associate Member
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    what are you trying to do...get bigger or cut?

  3. #3
    MikedaMan57 is offline Junior Member
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    lose weight and get cut... been out of the gym and fat for a while

  4. #4
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    What are your stats?

    First things first, DIET
    If you havent already, I suggest you read the "How to Cut Sample Diet" sticky at the top of the diet section.

    Second, Cardio.
    65%-70% MHR 45 min 6-7 days a week (preferably in the morning on an empty stomach)

    Third, Workout routine. Solid 1.5 hr workout, high up a killer sweat

    then supps...

    protein powder, BCAA's, multi-vitamin
    for cutting, Id suggest Lipoflame, or ECA Stack, or Clen . But make sure you know how to properly use each one!

    of course lots of water. 1.5-2 gallons a day

  5. #5
    MikedaMan57 is offline Junior Member
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    doin real good with diet and exercise... thanks a lot

    what I really wanted was someone to give me a plan for the supps... i need someone to tell me what to do so I just stick to something instead of goin back and forth

    im going to take the clen first two weeks of april then either off two weeks or on the benedryl

    what should i take with it before I lift?

    should I take NO explode or AMP02 or will it bloat me??

    can I take these or should I while on CLen??? off weeks???

  6. #6
    MikedaMan57 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2003
    staten island, ny
    any insight would be greatly appreciated... thanks guys

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