I am currently starting my first cycle, 100mg test prop eod and 50 mg winn ed for the last 4 weeks with pct, all that jazz. none the less not looking for help there. I have been wrestling all my life and weight training for about 6 years, so I feel like I have a bit of experience. I have cycled thru multiple different proteins and supplements to find the best fit. Now with starting a cycle I just want to cut it down to protein and diet. I have taken Muscle Milk for the last year or so and found it to be pretty good. Now spending money on the cycle though I wanted to go to some experts for the best brand for gains. Any suggestions?

--5'8'' 182lbs, 13.7% bf. Lookin to gain 10-20 lb lean muscle and cut out 2 or 3% bf. Doing 3 25 min cardio sessions a week and lifting 5 days a week.