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  1. #1
    cantqwit is offline Associate Member
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    M-drol help please

    my stats- 6'1'' 215 10%bf a hardgainer(i have "skinny" genetics).
    30 y/o
    steroid cycles 4-5 (2002-2004)mainly test, dbol , winny tabs for 3 years,but been off for 3 years (since 2004)
    used superdrol 2 cycles 1.5 years ago.
    . i am looking to get back in the pro- hormone game. just been using creatine, nitic oxide and protein for a while. i know the ins and outs of things pretty well. i dont like combining tons of things because i like to be able to evaluate the main supplement i am using .so my plan is as follows;

    mdrol - 1 tablet daily in morning 4 weeks straight, might go up to 2 but i prefer the conservative side of recomendations.
    liv 52- 2 weeks before, during and 2 weeks after
    protein whey with glutamine and bcaas
    meal replacements
    vit c
    pomegrante or goji juice for overall healt hand keeping LDL down

    shooting for 4000 cals daily
    250 protein
    500 carbs
    100 fat

    my goal is to add some size and strength any at all would be a plus. not looking to blow up then come crashing down.
    my main question is what are most people using for PCT? there are quite a few options out there. i have used clomid and nolva before with other cycles of AS, but prefer to stay away from both due to sides and tolerability. is tribulus/ 6oxo, or rebound xt sufficient enough? any help input or comments thanks!

  2. #2
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    10mg of superdrol won't do too much for you man. 20mg seems to be the sweet spot for most people. As far as pct is concerned, a SERM is definitely needed. OTC products definitely won't cut it.

  3. #3
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantqwit View Post
    my stats- 6'1'' 215 10%bf a hardgainer(i have "skinny" genetics).
    30 y/o
    steroid cycles 4-5 (2002-2004)mainly test, dbol , winny tabs for 3 years,but been off for 3 years (since 2004)
    used superdrol 2 cycles 1.5 years ago.
    . i am looking to get back in the pro- hormone game. just been using creatine, nitic oxide and protein for a while. i know the ins and outs of things pretty well. i dont like combining tons of things because i like to be able to evaluate the main supplement i am using .so my plan is as follows;

    mdrol - 1 tablet daily in morning 4 weeks straight, might go up to 2 but i prefer the conservative side of recomendations.
    liv 52- 2 weeks before, during and 2 weeks after
    protein whey with glutamine and bcaas
    meal replacements
    vit c
    pomegrante or goji juice for overall healt hand keeping LDL down

    shooting for 4000 cals daily
    250 protein
    500 carbs
    100 fat

    my goal is to add some size and strength any at all would be a plus. not looking to blow up then come crashing down.
    my main question is what are most people using for PCT? there are quite a few options out there. i have used clomid and nolva before with other cycles of AS, but prefer to stay away from both due to sides and tolerability. is tribulus/ 6oxo, or rebound xt sufficient enough? any help input or comments thanks!
    First off start ur cycle at 2 caps ed for the first week then bump up to 3 caps ed for second week and see how that dose goes for u. FOr ur size and experience with hormones 1 cap ed for 4 weeks will do little to nothing for u. Support supps look good but re-evulate ur diet bro. 250 g protein for a 215 lb guy standing over 6 foot, seriously? Up it to at least 300 g of protein per day especially if ur expecting to gain size and strength! DOes sd make u blow up? U say youve used it before so im assuming u know how ur body reacts. FOr me and most others on here, sd is not a water retaining hog of a ph like phera. This crash u speak of is only as harsh as a bad pct plan like the one u have laid out of 6-oxo and some other otc products. What kind of sides do u get from clomid? I would go with clomid at 100 mg for first 2 weeks then 70-75 mg for last 2 weeks if ur not prone to gyno and if u are id say add ldex dosed at .25 mg ed for 4 weeks. U can keep the trib with the pct i outlined and can add some creatine as well to also help keep ur gains.

  4. #4
    Nismo's Avatar
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    Hard gainner my ass! If you are 210lbs with only10% bf and your 6'1 then your pretty big. Anyway, well I think with that M-Drol works great, like said earlier 2 caps a day is ideal. Make sure you have a proper PCT though, if you are a retard like me then you'll end up with gyno. And that is not the one you want.

  5. #5
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    First off start ur cycle at 2 caps ed for the first week then bump up to 3 caps ed for second week and see how that dose goes for u. FOr ur size and experience with hormones 1 cap ed for 4 weeks will do little to nothing for u. Support supps look good but re-evulate ur diet bro. 250 g protein for a 215 lb guy standing over 6 foot, seriously? Up it to at least 300 g of protein per day especially if ur expecting to gain size and strength! DOes sd make u blow up? U say youve used it before so im assuming u know how ur body reacts. FOr me and most others on here, sd is not a water retaining hog of a ph like phera. This crash u speak of is only as harsh as a bad pct plan like the one u have laid out of 6-oxo and some other otc products. What kind of sides do u get from clomid? I would go with clomid at 100 mg for first 2 weeks then 70-75 mg for last 2 weeks if ur not prone to gyno and if u are id say add ldex dosed at .25 mg ed for 4 weeks. U can keep the trib with the pct i outlined and can add some creatine as well to also help keep ur gains.

    Armidex is not ideal for pct, especially not for the pct you outlined. Aromasin would be a much better choice.

  6. #6
    cantqwit is offline Associate Member
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    ok for pct - is therte anything that is easily obtainable from a supplement site or online that is legal and effective? i have used clomid before but am trying not to go there again. thanks to all.

  7. #7
    ultra40's Avatar
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    NO. If you wanna get your balls back and keep gyno away or minimal, you CANT USE OTC pct's.

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    But now that thats clear.....Read the sticky about "myogenx as my only pct" and you can decide for yourself what route to go but even if you just use myogenx you will need real PCTs on hand.

  9. #9
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantqwit View Post
    ok for pct - is therte anything that is easily obtainable from a supplement site or online that is legal and effective? i have used clomid before but am trying not to go there again. thanks to all.

    Well, you can use nolva, but I'm sure you know that is as legal as clomid. You gotta go with a SERM man. Hit up ar-r .com and place an order.

    BTW, I would never use clomid again. The vision problems caused by clomid are definitely real. My eyes haven't been the same since.

  10. #10
    cantqwit is offline Associate Member
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    ok dont hammer me but what is a SERM? i havent been on these boards in a few years until recently. and i have never had a gyno problem in 5 steroid cycles and 2 supedrol cycles. so i would be confident enough to do a mdrol cycle without nolva or anti-e's. thanks men

  11. #11
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantqwit View Post
    ok dont hammer me but what is a SERM? i havent been on these boards in a few years until recently. and i have never had a gyno problem in 5 steroid cycles and 2 supedrol cycles. so i would be confident enough to do a mdrol cycle without nolva or anti-e's. thanks men
    Then ur good to go and theres no reason why to ask for m-drol help then right? Looks like ur set in ur ways so go ahead with 1 cap ed for 4 weeks of m-drol with only 250 grams of protein and expect to gain 30 lbs of pure muscle. Seriously, do ur research! And yes ldex would be just as good as aromasin unless someone can prove me wrong and since ur not gyno prone then just do a serm for ur pct. People do 500 mg of test c for 10 weeks and only do nolva for 4 weeks for pct with no problems. U cant say m-drol is gonna shut him down more than 500 mg of straight test and needs a stronger pct than that. Especially at 1 cap a day, haha!

  12. #12
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Then ur good to go and theres no reason why to ask for m-drol help then right? Looks like ur set in ur ways so go ahead with 1 cap ed for 4 weeks of m-drol with only 250 grams of protein and expect to gain 30 lbs of pure muscle. Seriously, do ur research! And yes ldex would be just as good as aromasin unless someone can prove me wrong and since ur not gyno prone then just do a serm for ur pct. People do 500 mg of test c for 10 weeks and only do nolva for 4 weeks for pct with no problems. U cant say m-drol is gonna shut him down more than 500 mg of straight test and needs a stronger pct than that. Especially at 1 cap a day, haha!
    Head over to the PCT forum and read Hooker's PCT protocol. It's all explained there. The nolva/aromasin /hcg PCT is pretty standard protocol on these boards.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    Head over to the PCT forum and read Hooker's PCT protocol. It's all explained there. The nolva/aromasin/hcg PCT is pretty standard protocol on these boards.
    DId u read anthony roberts and pheedns pct? Both agree hcg isnt necessary unless u use a 19-nor aas or multiple aas. only using 1 or 2 aas will not shut u down to the point of hcg therapy, any mod or vet will tell u that. u really gonna tell this guy he need hcg, nolva, and aromasin for pct for just m-drol? go ahead buddy but definitely not needed nor at all necessary. Also the sticky above titled all you need to know about sd (which m-drol is a clone of for u who dont know) will explain in detail what sd is and proper pct for it and does not mention hcg therapy at all. If anything u could take clomid and aromasin for ur pct to be extra safe but clomid solo is also fine for me at least. Especially with the low dose this guy plans on doing the h-drol at! Just putting in my 2 cents but if this guy actually read the stickys for himself about sd and pct then he wuldnt have made this post to begin with.

  14. #14
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    DId u read anthony roberts and pheedns pct? Both agree hcg isnt necessary unless u use a 19-nor aas or multiple aas. only using 1 or 2 aas will not shut u down to the point of hcg therapy, any mod or vet will tell u that. u really gonna tell this guy he need hcg, nolva, and aromasin for pct for just m-drol? go ahead buddy but definitely not needed nor at all necessary. Also the sticky above titled all you need to know about sd (which m-drol is a clone of for u who dont know) will explain in detail what sd is and proper pct for it and does not mention hcg therapy at all. If anything u could take clomid and aromasin for ur pct to be extra safe but clomid solo is also fine for me at least. Especially with the low dose this guy plans on doing the h-drol at! Just putting in my 2 cents but if this guy actually read the stickys for himself about sd and pct then he wuldnt have made this post to begin with.
    i agree that hcg isn't always needed, i never run it. running a thorough and proper pct after a harsh drug like superdrol definitely won't hurt. it's better to be safe then sorry. and yes, SD is a very harsh compound

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    i agree that hcg isn't always needed, i never run it. running a thorough and proper pct after a harsh drug like superdrol definitely won't hurt. it's better to be safe then sorry. and yes, SD is a very harsh compound

    True, it is always best to be safe then sorry. And yes, sd is a very harsh compound.

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