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Thread: newby question

  1. #1
    no_juice's Avatar
    no_juice is offline New Member
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    newby question

    i used deca a couple times in the past when i was 22 (im 28 now)...just recreational shit to look good at the beach and for the brawds...never ever swore by juice but argue its pros against the haters out there lol....

    every magazine i pick up has pics of the largest guys ive ever seen holding supplements like hydroxycut or some other new pill you cant pronouce that swears to burn fat or build muscle while you sleep or boosts natural test production...does any of that shit work?!?! im just a whey protein and sandwhich kinda guy...dont really like ingesting a bunch of pills in my body because i fell victim to the advertisements....nor do i feel like becoming a pin cushion either...although some of you fellas look ****ing amazing and im jealous of ur physique

  2. #2
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Welcome aboard.
    Those supplements could help a bit but only if your siet is strictly in check.
    I prefer leave them alone and concentrate on my meals firstly.


  3. #3
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    +1 for chuck

  4. #4
    no_juice's Avatar
    no_juice is offline New Member
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    great thanks! i need to get my diet in check...thats where im slacking and ill be the first to admit it...its not a question about budget rather time and effort...i work 8-6...then hit the gym and before i know it im home cooking at 9 pm...then i sleep....i wanna look the best i possibly can...

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by no_juice View Post
    i used deca a couple times in the past when i was 22 (im 28 now)...just recreational shit to look good at the beach and for the brawds...never ever swore by juice but argue its pros against the haters out there lol....

    every magazine i pick up has pics of the largest guys ive ever seen holding supplements like hydroxycut or some other new pill you cant pronouce that swears to burn fat or build muscle while you sleep or boosts natural test production...does any of that shit work?!?! im just a whey protein and sandwhich kinda guy...dont really like ingesting a bunch of pills in my body because i fell victim to the advertisements....nor do i feel like becoming a pin cushion either...although some of you fellas look ****ing amazing and im jealous of ur physique
    most supplements with the exception of creatine and protein are garbage imo. you're better off spending money on food.

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