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    Anyone ever use a fat burner called Fenphedra?

    I recently ran across a fatburner called fenphedra. Obviously they are capitalizing on the names of phen-phen and ephedra, but is there anything more to this stuff? I did a google search for reviews on the stuff and a lot of positive things turned up, however it is not uncommon for these reviews on the net to have been set up by the manufacturer as a way to feed in business.
    Also I recognize they have a questionable marketing scheme. Selling on Ebay, etc. I attached their ingredients list and am curious if its a sound "recipe".
    Are there any guys on here who have actually USED the stuff and/or have an opinion on the ingredient list?


    Here is what is in Fenphedra and how it works:

    C-A-R-T Activators:

    200 mg DiCaffeine Malate -- When Coca-Cola first came out it actually contained Cocaine (true fact) and when cocaine was made illegal after World War I they scrambled to find an alternative that would stimulate the mind and body and have similar effects. The ingredient they found was caffeine. But we don't just use any old caffeine as our alternative to cocaine. We use an ultra potent multi-dimensional ingredient that combines all natural Caffeine with Malic Acid into an ionic bonded compound which optimizes energy, stimulates thermogenesis, and promotes mental focus. You haven't experienced the full effects of caffeine until you've tried DiCaffeine Malate.

    200mg Chocamine™ -- A proprietary extract of the Columbian cocoa plant. It contains numerous constituents including methylxanthines (theobromine, caffeine, and theophylline), biogenic amines (phenylethylamine, tyramine, and according to one source, synephrine), amino acids (phenylalanine, tryptophan, tyrosine, others), minerals (with a high content of magnesium), numerous beneficial antioxidants, and possibly some non-psychoactive cannabanoid-related compounds.

    20mg Phenylethylamine (PEA) -- PEA is an Amphetamine like substance that's related to our own catecholamine neurotransmitters and their amino acid precursors, tyrosine and phenylalanine. PEA has arousal properties similar to catecholamines and may be one of the pleasure substances in the brain. PEA has been called the "Love Drug". It is extracted from chocolate and is responsible for what chocaholics call "Chocolate High"

    20mg Synephrine HCl -- 100% Synephrine hcl is the "chemical cousin" of the now banned substance ephedra. It can help burn fat, suppress appetite and increase energy. Synephrine HCl is derived from the Citrus aurantium fruit, which is used for a variety of purposes in traditional Chinese medicine.

    NP-Y Inhibitor:

    Chocamine naturally contains Tryptophan - an amino acid which increases brain levels of serotonin (a calming neurotransmitter), and is commonly used to combat stress and depression.
    Last edited by solid90062; 04-26-2008 at 06:04 AM.

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