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  1. #1
    likewize's Avatar
    likewize is offline Junior Member
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    Confusion with LG Methyl Masterdrol...

    I researched different Superdrol clones, but afterwards, I realized most of the threads I got info from were old...

    So, my question is this, is the present LG Sciences Methyl Masterdrol V2 XLa true Superdrol clone? The confusion lies in a thread I found about the formula of Superdrol clones...It said that the chem make up is:
    (2-alpha-17 alpha-dimethyl-5 alpha-androst-3-one)

    But I purchased LG Sciences Methyl Masterdrol V2 XL, and the breakdown on the back says this:

    What is most confusing is that Superdrol clones, like the original Anabolic Xtreme's Superdrol (which I ran a few years ago) is supposed to be in 10mg pills, right? Well, this shit says 100mg per serving...

    I'm just lost here...I'm considering sending it back and just getting one from Competetive Edge Labs...But, I got a great deal on it, so, if it is really a REAL Superdrol Clone, I'd like to keep it...

    Can someone please help me out here???
    Last edited by likewize; 09-27-2008 at 09:46 PM.

  2. #2
    likewize's Avatar
    likewize is offline Junior Member
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    Will someone please help me out here? I have a bottle of this shit just sitting around, and I need to know whats up! I've searched like crazy, but most of the info on this stuff is old...PLEASE HELP!!!

  3. #3
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Basically 3-beta-hydroxyetioallocholan-17-one=DHT The process to get this is much more complex but this is what you are left with in the end. There are no intermediate steps involving testosterone or DHEA.

    If works has designed (which logs seem to prove true) it can be expected to express most of the properties of DHT based compounds which are strength/hardness.

    Be warned that companies such as these will mask there products by adding chemical jargon to confuse the general public
    A short write up I did on M-1-D sold by the same company (LG).
    I will quote myself here
    The main compound in Methly1D is: 3-beta-hydroxyetioallocholan-5-ene-17-one which is DHEA

    It is an older non-standard terminology that would be almost impossible to trace.

    Any time you see these :
    1. 3β-Hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-one
    2. Diandrone
    3. Androstenolone
    4. 5,6-Didehydroisoandrosterone
    5. Prasterone
    They are all dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA and these are just a few different ways to write it.

    So pretty much don't be blown away by the presence of chemical jargon on a label. The terminology could be being used to conceal rather than reveal information. Best way to go about it is to look at the product on any website store that sells it and take the exact (main) chemical and google. You will find the info if you look hard enough
    Hope this helps!!
    Last edited by Reed; 09-28-2008 at 11:02 PM.

  4. #4
    likewize's Avatar
    likewize is offline Junior Member
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    So then it is not a REAL Superdrol clone?

  5. #5
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Nope that is not superdrol.

  6. #6
    likewize's Avatar
    likewize is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks bro...I appreciate it...

    Someone should delete all the old threads regarding the old formulas because it's really confusing when trying to gather info, and then you find out that the names are the same, but the companies change the formulas...I have several threads saved with different "Superdrol clones," and Masterdrol was supposed to be one of them...

    But, I really appreciate your help Reed, you answered my question...

    Thanks bro...I'm gonna send you a pm, because I have one more question, but I don't want to start a whole other thread...

  7. #7
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Yeah its hard to determine the chemicals and what they will do when you change them even slightly. Look how close the DHEA (which is worthless BTW) and the DHT compound are. I'm having to become a mad scientist with this shit.

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