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  1. #1
    TrackstarM is offline New Member
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    The Infamous 'Puffy Nipple'

    I know I know, "use the search function idiot" .. I have, there is rarely an article with a post in this year or 2008 that actually has some useful info in it.
    Here is my problem.
    I've had big nipples all my life, i was never overweight or anything just had slighly big nipples and a manboobish chest. I started working out a lot, joined track for 3 years and now im lifting for toneness everywhere, okay to the point.
    My chest is pretty big for my size, im 5'7" and weigh 143 pounds. I bench a mere 185 max and my chest is so bulky looking. I used to do pushups a lot, 75 a day for a whole summer to try to make my chest smaller but it only made it bigger.
    When I am not flexing my chest feels like all fat, when i am flexed its hard as a rock but its like pertruding out, my big chest makes me feel very uncomfortable.
    I've been on Yohimburn for 2 weeks now and it seems like my nipples are retaining water but my chest is more pec like and less booby like, which i am a little proud of.
    Okay, thats the background now for the problem and question at hand, i have very puffy nipples that stick out like their full of air, not talking about cone tits but just a slight hill on my nipple. When I flex they are still puffy but they like flatten out horozontally a little bit more than unflexed.
    Fresh out of the shower or when my nipples are cold, they get hard and look like normal nipples. I lift my arm up and theres no gyno, went to the doc and said there was no gyno, said it was all muscle but how can it be all muscle if people with smaller chests bench a lot more than me?

    My real question is that is there ANY product out there that can reduce the size of my nipples? im not very knowledgable about suppliments so if you have a suggestion please explain what it does please and the full name of it :]
    Yohimburn just seems to make my nipples full of water and i HOPE to god they go down because its hard to show off my ripped body with big ass nipples that make me look like i have fat, im 6% body fat btw

  2. #2
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    Hey bro, your situation with your chest is very similiar to my own. Luckily for me, I got the shit removed 6 years ago.

    My advice would to go see a plastic surgeon. If you can't feel the gland you may have pseudogynecomastia, which is just fat deposits in your chest. The PS can remove this fat through liposuction. If you decide to go with this route, try to lose as much bodyfat as you can before the surgury, so that the PS will have to compensate, and remove more fatty deposits so that it's about equal to your current bodyfat percentage. Then if you ever bulk up again there's less likely of a chance your chest will look booby like. When I had my gynecomasta removed, the PS didn't do much liposuction because at the time I wasn't concerned with bodyfat, I assumed he do more liposuction. If I had gone leaner he may have done more lipo.

    You may be able to resolve it somewhat on your own by lowering your bodyfat, but just speaking from experience that it will only do so much, and the results probably wont be as good was you want. Even if your bodyfat down, your nipples will more than likely still be puffy. So go see a PS, then hope insurance will cover for it. Good luck!

  3. #3
    TrackstarM is offline New Member
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    How would I explain it in a way that makes it sound like insurance should cover it? I'm covered by Tricare because of my families role in the Air Force.

  4. #4
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    My parents were in the army, so we had Tricare cover part of the surgury when I had it. Breast cancer runs on both side of my family, so that helped in covering the surgury.

  5. #5
    TrackstarM is offline New Member
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    How much did your opp come out to? I realize its depending on the doc and location but im just curious.

  6. #6
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    I believe we had to pay $800 out of pocket. Insurance covered a good portion of it. Best of luck bro!

  7. #7
    ImACrazyJewDaddy's Avatar
    ImACrazyJewDaddy is offline Associate Member
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    hey man, I Have/and did talk to my doct about the same thing. Puffy nips/ and when I flex, they go to the side, and I can feel a hard lump under each one. I want to get it out, so I pretended to be dumb and ask my doct If I had breast cancer and said that my nipps hurt alot of the time and that they a super sensitive and get arritated often. Anyways, he took a look and I asked, like I was uneducated," I looked around online, and I guess people call it gyno??" He said no its not gyno, if anythying it hardened fatty tissue, or its fluid thats build up behind the nipple....and said, if its really bothersome..we can stick a needle in it to drain it. I was like F THAT! so im going back in two weeks to have him take a look again. Same boat as you, I want my inssurance to cover it..just be consistant with your story and say that they hurt alot..thats what im tryin for. If not, then Im going to go pay outa-pocket a PS

  8. #8
    HITTMANN is offline Junior Member
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    i have a similar problem. they look fine when im cold but a little on the puffy side when theyre just normal and im not flexin. i was told, but dont know if its true, that if you get your nipples pierced they will stay hard for ever. its worth doing some research on.

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