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  1. #1's Avatar is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2007

    TRI-LEAN SYSTEM ??? destroy fat in 90 days ?

    Hi guys,

    does anyone heard about tri lean system ? does this stuff works ?

    I've heard that it works great, read some comments in other forums but I prefer to have an idea from AS members, it sounds "more true" regardless of what I think...( I don't trust other forums where some users publicize because they just got an imperceptible push in the right direction...(that's what they think, that's a psychological effect, when you pay , you want to believe it))

    I don't need to make noting that I m asking the question but considering that with a lot of cardio and a good diet
    Last edited by; 07-11-2009 at 06:11 PM.

  2. #2's Avatar is offline Associate Member
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    damn, any answers !!!

    nobody knows it ?

  3. #3
    DEE151's Avatar
    DEE151 is offline Productive Member
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    Jul 2008
    fvck that shit bro it cost way to muck and it probably does not even work . for that price i can get 5 10ml bottles of test e 250mg/ml.

  4. #4
    skinnypunk's Avatar
    skinnypunk is offline Associate Member
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    Looks pretty pricey for supplements.

  5. #5
    skinnypunk's Avatar
    skinnypunk is offline Associate Member
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    I have tried a few of their products in the past. I had a few samples of one of the fatburners and a few samples of Lean Dreamz. The fat burner had some pretty strong stims in it. I'm not sure about results, though....I just took it for the energy. I felt absolutely nothing from the Lean Dreamz. I slept like I always do. The link shows a kit that they are offering. Looks like you are paying extra for the books, posters, etc. If you just wanna burn fat, there are probably better options available at better prices. Do your research, and only buy products that you want/need. I have never been a fan of these "kits" that a lot of companies try and push. They all claim to work synergystically with one another, blah, blah.

  6. #6's Avatar is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnypunk View Post
    I have tried a few of their products in the past. I had a few samples of one of the fatburners and a few samples of Lean Dreamz. The fat burner had some pretty strong stims in it. I'm not sure about results, though....I just took it for the energy. I felt absolutely nothing from the Lean Dreamz. I slept like I always do. The link shows a kit that they are offering. Looks like you are paying extra for the books, posters, etc. If you just wanna burn fat, there are probably better options available at better prices. Do your research, and only buy products that you want/need. I have never been a fan of these "kits" that a lot of companies try and push. They all claim to work synergystically with one another, blah, blah.

    Yes It's what I thought, anyway, Just cardio and diet, that's All.

    thanks guys

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