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Thread: H-DROL help

  1. #1
    BigWiLL35 is offline Junior Member
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    H-DROL help

    I'm going to be taking H-drol by CEL at the start of next week. I already placed my order and im going to be going with the recommended dose of 2 per day. But my real question is.... should i be taking any AAS while on it like letro, nolva, or clomid? Should i wait to take them post cycle? What do you guys recommend and whats worked for you guys out there for PCT and during cycle because i'm trying to keep water retention down and absolutely no gyno!

    Any input is greatly appreciated. I've taken PH's before, but its been a while and i've had great gains on previous products (tren , sus, ect) but i'm new to this product. I've heard great things about this product with little to no sides thats why i'm giving it a shot.

    Current stats:

    21 yrs
    6 foot 3 inches
    235 lbs
    12 - 12.5% bf
    Been lifting for over 3 1/2 years.

    Max bench 385
    Max squat 515

    I'm trying to make small and easy gains.. not looking to put on huge mass just harden up and be vascular.. I'm gonna be doing mild cardio in the mornings before breakfast for about 30 - 40 minutes about 3 - 4 times a week.. On some days i'll do post cardio after a workout but make it consist of low intensity (walking on incline, eliptical, ect)

    Let me know what you guys think.. i'm thinking about running a log as soon as i start taking h-drol to let others know how it works and how well it works.

  2. #2
    DetroitCity's Avatar
    DetroitCity is offline Junior Member
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    You shouldn't need to take anything during this cycle it is pretty mild from what I've read in terms of sides and shutting you down. I would take milk thistle and do a pct after you are done .. I would recommend Nolva only for 4 weeks .. possibly 20/20/10/10

  3. #3
    DetroitCity's Avatar
    DetroitCity is offline Junior Member
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    I also heard a few people with sides of slightly increased blood pressure .. if this worries you I would get some Hawthorn Berry

  4. #4
    BigWiLL35 is offline Junior Member
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    sounds good.. im gonna pick up some of lions nolva for my pct.. i think ill run the H-drol like this: 50/75/75/75/75/75.. hopefully i wont experience any sides. I ordered my first bottle to test it out.. if all goes well 3 weeks into the H-drol i'll order another, if not i'm gonna pick up some sus500 and give that a shot. A guy at my gym is on it, and he has gained a solid 18lbs in 5 weeks.. hopefully this H-drol does work.

  5. #5
    DetroitCity's Avatar
    DetroitCity is offline Junior Member
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    By the sounds of what you said you are looking for H-drol should be perfect for you.. from what I have read anyways I've never tried it before although I do have a bottle of it.

  6. #6
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigWiLL35 View Post
    sounds good.. im gonna pick up some of lions nolva for my pct.. i think ill run the H-drol like this: 50/75/75/75/75/75.. hopefully i wont experience any sides. I ordered my first bottle to test it out.. if all goes well 3 weeks into the H-drol i'll order another, if not i'm gonna pick up some sus500 and give that a shot. A guy at my gym is on it, and he has gained a solid 18lbs in 5 weeks.. hopefully this H-drol does work.
    I ran hdrol this past January and loved it. I also ran it @50mg/day for 4 weeks. No sides except a little shut down. Also my diet, cardio, training were all dialed in. For pct I used nolva @ 40/40/20/20 to be on the safe side. Now for your friend that put on 18 lbs in 5 weeks had to do it while bulking because I did it in a cutting cycle and lost 10 lbs! get a bottle of Life Support by Annabolic Innovations. It has all of the necessary support ( milk thistle, hawth berry, saw palmet, etc.) Take 2 pills am/2 pills pm. Check it out! Any other questions, you can pm me if you want......

  7. #7
    BigWiLL35 is offline Junior Member
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    my friend who gained 18lbs is on some PH called SUS500.. and your right he is bulking (heavy lifting, 4000 cals, no cardio, ect) i was gonna start with sus500.. but i've heard good things about H-drol and its dirt cheap compared to other PH's that are out. I'm excited to give it a shot.. and i cant wait to post results.

    did any of you guys experience any type of gyno or soreness while on H-drol? Higher levels of aggression? (getting mad because you dropped a spoon lol) **** like that?

    The nolva sounds like a good deal.. did you use lions on Ar-r .com? Did sex drive come back?

  8. #8
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigWiLL35 View Post
    my friend who gained 18lbs is on some PH called SUS500.. and your right he is bulking (heavy lifting, 4000 cals, no cardio, ect) i was gonna start with sus500.. but i've heard good things about H-drol and its dirt cheap compared to other PH's that are out. I'm excited to give it a shot.. and i cant wait to post results.

    did any of you guys experience any type of gyno or soreness while on H-drol? Higher levels of aggression? (getting mad because you dropped a spoon lol) **** like that?

    The nolva sounds like a good deal.. did you use lions on Did sex drive come back?
    no gyno or sides here bro. I used ar-r 's tamox for 4 weeks. I might try someone else the second time around though...

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