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  1. #1
    mac23 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009

    H Drol PCT help!!!

    just wrote a similar post in pct short i did a 4 week cycle of h drol 50,50,50,75 got great gains only stoped due to my heart rate going up..took cycle support by AI while on...done 2 weeks already of pct of 20 mg nolvadex testosterone hasnt come back at ALL...any1 no of anything i can buy from gnc or vitamin shoppe to help it come back naturally...having some problems in the bedroom...go ahead and dog just need so help here please lol

  2. #2
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    wait so is your PCT of the SERM nolvadex ... or just of novadex-XT (whatever that crap is called.)

    If it's real nolvadex then you may need to stay on it for another week to 2 weeks to ensure your test levels bounce back.

    In the future you should probably use a combination of 2 SERMS for your PCT, to ensure recover (IE) nolvadex and clomid.

    Regarding the sexual problems... well, unfortunately ED and sexual dysfunction are the two most common problems associated w/ steroid use IMO. get yourself some viagra or cialis in the mean time to please the ole' lady (if you can't get it from your doc, you can get it in liquid suspension form from the forum sponsor ar-r .com)

    Happy holidays.

  3. #3
    mac23 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009
    haha its the real nolvadex not that gaspari bull shit lol but sounds good bout running for 2 more weeks thanks again

  4. #4
    matt77's Avatar
    matt77 is offline Member
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    20/20/10/10 if you don't recover from H-Drol with 4 weeks you may have some bunk Nolva. H-Drol is pretty mild and you should recover quick on Nolva esp since 75 was the highest dose taken. Finish PCT then get bloodwork ASAP!!

  5. #5
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    20/20/10/10 if you don't recover from H-Drol with 4 weeks you may have some bunk Nolva. H-Drol is pretty mild and you should recover quick on Nolva esp since 75 was the highest dose taken. Finish PCT then get bloodwork ASAP!!
    x2 here. I cycled hdrol last year the same as you but for pct I dosed nolva @ 40/40/20/20 and came out fine. I dont think that you would need 2 serms....just my 2 cents....but get to the doc for blood work....

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