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  1. #1
    caffeine_menace's Avatar
    caffeine_menace is offline Associate Member
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    supplement help...

    These are the supplements i currently have and need info on when these should be taken in the day...I currently work out from 9-11 am M-F. M-W-F i do weight training and cardio and T-TH i just do cardio..

    Whey Protein 52g
    Creatine monohydrate powder 5000mg
    BCAA powder 5000mg
    L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate Powder 5000mg
    fish oil 1200mg
    Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl 500 mg
    Tribulus Terrestris Extract 625 mg

    I currently am taking everything 1 hour pre work out then just whey,creatine and bcaa's again on the post workout...

  2. #2
    IM708's Avatar
    IM708 is offline AR's Supplement Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by caffeine_menace View Post

    Whey Protein 52g
    Creatine monohydrate powder 5000mg
    BCAA powder 5000mg
    L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate Powder 5000mg
    fish oil 1200mg
    Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl 500 mg
    Tribulus Terrestris Extract 625 mg

    I currently am taking everything 1 hour pre work out then just whey,creatine and bcaa's again on the post workout...
    -Why are you taking carnitine?

    -Tribulus is useless, will not boost test level at all.

    -At this moment I wouldn't suggest AAKG usage since solid data doesn't exist to suggest that it's a beneficial supplement.

    Take multi, bcaa, creatine, protein post workout.

  3. #3
    Kaioken's Avatar
    Kaioken is offline Member
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    fish oil 1200mg

    take at night with fatty meal.

    Whey Protein 52g
    Creatine monohydrate powder 5000mg
    take POST workout

    the rest is fine Pre Workout

  4. #4
    IM708's Avatar
    IM708 is offline AR's Supplement Guru
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    Multi vitamin can also be taken post workout, your body is in a hypersensitive state and certain vitamins help the protein to absorb and vise versa.

    Another think about AAKG is that I find a few studies to suggest that it will enhance maximal power output. Try it to see if it provides any benefit, needs to be taken preworkout, try dosages from 1.5g to 10g.
    Last edited by IM708; 01-04-2010 at 09:46 PM.

  5. #5
    caffeine_menace's Avatar
    caffeine_menace is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IM708 View Post
    -Why are you taking carnitine?

    -Tribulus is useless, will not boost test level at all.
    Carnitine (brain food)is a good antioxidant and "supposedly" supposed to raise ur sperm count and make u more fertile. Not that i have a problem with that but i never want one either..

    I had done a blood test to see if the tribulus works about 2 yrs ago and it did in my opinion...did a blood test pre tribulus then again after 30 days of taking it and the doc said it had raised levels very slightly...Not anything significant but it did raise...So i keep it part of my regiment...

    Thanx for all the info guys especially the fish oil, didnt know taking it at night was a better option...

  6. #6
    caffeine_menace's Avatar
    caffeine_menace is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IM708 View Post
    Another think about AAKG is that I find a few studies to suggest that it will enhance maximal power output.
    I also read it helps boost ur immune system(helps prevent sickness or if hurt speeds up recovery), levels of insulin , growth hormone , and free amino acids (glutamine, proline and Arginine)...But like u said not enough testing to prove concrete evidence but im sure it does work besides everyone is different and some will benefit where others wont...

  7. #7
    caffeine_menace's Avatar
    caffeine_menace is offline Associate Member
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    Got another question. On my rest days which is Sat and Sun do i continue taking the protein, creatine and bcaa's ????? Or do i just not take it till Mon??

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