Hello fellow fitness advocates, I wanted to introduce myself, my name is Dr. Albert Scott, I am a nationally board certified chiropractor and fitness fanatic just like you. I have run into a bit of luck lately and made some friends over at Redefine Nutrition, a company I have used in the past with great results and trust. This friendship has allowed me to become a beta tester of any and all of their products as long as I promise to document and share my results with them. I am not legally bound to only share my results with them so I am here to share my results with you as well.

First product on my agenda, I just had to try their new pro-hormone “Finaflex 1-Andro!” First things first, I don’t mind trying things, but being cautious as I am, I did some research on the ingredients to make sure that none of them are on the banned substance list put out by FDA a few months ago, and none are. Next, was to put a good diet and workout together for my ultimate goal of shedding a few unwanted lbs of fat while packing on some lean muscle mass. Next was to get an accurate place of measurement to document and record my results, which I did via scale & computerized caliper body fat measurements at my local gym. Now all was left was to start my cycle and put my plan into action. Now I’ll be the first to tell you, I always lean towards the “less is best” when trying a new product, always cautious of how my body will react. I will admit, I wasn’t quite as cautious with this new product of theirs because of my past experience with using their products and how well they are put together with both customer safety and customer results being their top priority. Even still, they recommended 2-4 capsules per day for 30-60 days. I opted for an experimental dose of 1 capsule a day for 30 days. I am going to document my results for 6 weeks, based on past results of other pro-hormones there seems to be a 1 wk lag of when it gets in your system and how long it takes to get out, this is why I am adding 2 additional weeks of documentation to my cycle.

OK, my starting stats: I am 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed in at 231lbs with a bodyfat of 23%.

End of Week 1 - weight = 219lbs @ 20% body fat (NO strength gains at this time)
- OK, this is actually normal for me, whenever starting a diet and drinking excessive amounts of water, I drop weight very rapidly in the beginning, mainly excess water weight.

End of Week 2 - weight = 214lbs @ 18% body fat (I want to say I feel it, but think it is in my head as far as strength gains / additional reps with my heavier sets)

End of Week 3 - weight = 215lbs @ 16% body fat (OK, I know it isn’t in my head now, I feel it, I lifted more weight for more reps than I have in the past 6 months without a doubt)
- This is not normal for me, I have never gained weight from one week to the next while following a clean diet and drop body fat and seen both strength and stamina increases, completely out of the norm, but I’m liking it!

End of Week 4 - weight = 217lbs @ 13% body fat (Again, I continue to increase the lbs on all my lifts while keeping my reps the same as the previous week, not to mention because of the amazing energy and pumps I even added a few burn-out sets here and there)
- Again, this is way out of the norm for me, gained an additional 2lbs & dropped my body fat another 3% and my lifts are continuing to climb!

End of Week 5 - weight 218lbs @ 12% body fat (I continue to gain weight and drop body fat as well as adding more weight to all of my lifts for the 3rd week in the row)
- This continues to be a learning experience for me, but I am ready to see how far this takes me.

End of Week 6 (Final) - weight 218lbs @ 11% body fat (I seem to have come to the end of my weight gains, I will give the extra loss of body fat to my clean diet, but then again I did it without losing any weight so.....? Strength gains have remained the same as previous week)

- My next documentation was 6 weeks later after finishing a PCT post cycle and taking a few weeks off of any type of supplementation. So, 6wks after the end of the 6th week my bodyweight was 220lbs @ 12% body fat. In my honest opinion I held on to 100% of my gains/losses, but due to imperfect dieting & cardiovascular activity.

- In short, I am very pleased with the results, more surprised that such a small dose gave such incredible results...Again, Redefine Nutrition has put out an excellent product, which I am more than happy to recommend to all my friends and you my fellow exercise/gym advocates.

I have done quite a few cycles since this original test cycle with both higher doses and combinations of other Redefined Nutrition products, I promise to document those trials and combinations at a later date.