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  1. #1
    alex92 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Talking Suggestions for Supplements?

    Hey guys,
    I'm 18 years old, 6" tall and weigh 71kg. I started working out last December, when I was 62kg, so I've put on about 9kg. I'm working out 3 days per week and my current goal is to bulk.

    For the last month or so, I haven't been eating right so haven't put on any weight so I want to get stuck into it again starting next week. I have a PWO shake consisting of about 20g maltodextrin, 30g dextrose and 30g whey protein.

    I also have some Optimum Nutrition 'Serious Mass' weight gainer but haven't been taking any lately. I've only got about 7 more servings left.

    When I do take it, I take 1/2 a serving (about 600 calories) before I go to sleep because if i have too much milk it has some bad effects on me, and it doesn't taste too good with water.

    1) What other supplements could I take to help boost my energy levels and help me bulk up? (price is not an issue)
    2) Any suggestions for weight gainers that are high in protein and carbs and taste good?
    3) Any suggestions for some good high-calorie breakfasts? I don't like oats (which I know is a good option..).. Would yoghurt + 2-3 bananas be sufficient for breakfast? Perhaps I should have a weight gainer shake when i wake up, followed by yoghurt + 2-3 bananas.. If so, should I have another weight gainer shake before I go to sleep?
    4) When I have time to make it, I have pancakes with cream and jam, or bacon + eggs + toast + fried tomatoes for breakfast. The bacon is without fat. Are these okay?..
    5) Are there any steroids at all (or anything of the like) that will greatly help me bulk up, that are safe to use at my age?

    Thanks alot!
    Last edited by alex92; 07-26-2010 at 05:34 AM.

  2. #2
    sprinter911's Avatar
    sprinter911 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2010
    The Shore
    I'd recommend posting your diet in the diet section and let others point out where you're going wrong. Its all constructive so don't take any of it the wrong way. Chances are you could adjust your diet and not have to worry about all the supps. I use whey PWO and casein before bed. That's all the shakes I drink. I used to drink shakes non-stop until I gained some knowledge. Its all about diet and training.

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