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  1. #1
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Clen/Keto plus Jack3d - bad idea?

    I just started a clen cycle and will be adding keto on day 14.

    I workout first thing in the morning, 5:30am. Needless to say, i'm not at my best at that hour. I'm dragging ass, tired, unmotivated, and as a result my workouts suffer. There's very little intensity and I know that's hindering my gains.

    I've read enough about Jack3d and think it's a good option for me, however my gut instinct is that it would be a bad idea to take it while using clen, considering both are CNS stimulants. I don't need a heart attack!!!

    Please let me know what you think, and if you've ever run both together.

  2. #2
    Bodybuilding-Student's Avatar
    Bodybuilding-Student is offline Finishing Member ~ Transformation Contest!
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    I am running both together now however i take my clen in the morning but dont workout until after 12 noon but could be all the way up till 11 on the night depending on my work shifts i only have jack3d 45 mins before the workout but havent felt dodgy at all no racing heart in fact no sides from clen either apart from minimal shakes and thats at 120mcg but thats just ,e i dont think it would be dangerous perhaps for people with existing heart conditions p.s i still do cardio 5 times a week including spinning classes every now and then hope it helps

  3. #3
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback bro. I'm still gonna wait for a few others to comment, just to get well rounded and multiple opinions. After all, this is my heart we're talking about, so I need to be extra cautious!

  4. #4
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    I think the clen by itself is very strong, and as long as your diet and training are right the clen will be more than enough.

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigpapabuff View Post
    I think the clen by itself is very strong, and as long as your diet and training are right the clen will be more than enough.
    I'm using clen to assist with burning bodyfat, not to 'brighten' up my morning. That's what the Jack3d would be for. My concern is stacking these 2, although not for the same purpose. I don't want to 'overload' my system or heart.

  6. #6
    Failure's Avatar
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    I take my Clen in the morning with a blue Rockstar chaser. The clen doesn't wake me up at all, just makes me jittery. You'll be fine with the Jack3d, just stop if you feel like crap. You aren't going to take both together and immediately suffer a heart attack. Just monitor your heart rate and keep it safe.

    Sometimes I feel like the Clen drains me faster so the Rockstar helps me go longer with less fatigue and doesn't give me any negative sides. I am actually going to pick up some Jack3d to try it out. I need all the help I can get being weak from Keto.

    Edit: Actually I just read the dose instructions and I don't think I would take it 3 scoops while I was on clen. But taking 1 scoop I don't think you would get the creatine load up, don't know about creatine. I would start like the directions say, low and check tolerance first.
    Last edited by Failure; 09-17-2010 at 04:42 PM.

  7. #7
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failure View Post
    I take my Clen in the morning with a blue Rockstar chaser. The clen doesn't wake me up at all, just makes me jittery. You'll be fine with the Jack3d, just stop if you feel like crap. You aren't going to take both together and immediately suffer a heart attack. Just monitor your heart rate and keep it safe.

    Sometimes I feel like the Clen drains me faster so the Rockstar helps me go longer with less fatigue and doesn't give me any negative sides. I am actually going to pick up some Jack3d to try it out. I need all the help I can get being weak from Keto.

    Edit: Actually I just read the dose instructions and I don't think I would take it 3 scoops while I was on clen. But taking 1 scoop I don't think you would get the creatine load up, don't know about creatine. I would start like the directions say, low and check tolerance first.
    Thanks bro, I think i'll give it a shot. I'll definitely start with only 1 scoop and will supplement the missing creatine. Monday morning will be the trial run. Consequently it'll also be my first day of 100mcg on clen... this should be interesting!

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