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  1. #1
    Brandon12's Avatar
    Brandon12 is offline Junior Member
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    ab, canada

    supplements plan needed

    Hey everybody, I apologize If I ask inapropriate Q's and for spelling mistakes.

    Age 23
    Weight 160lbs
    Location Canada
    cycles 0
    Working out for 8 years
    body fat, aprox. 12-15%
    arms 15 in.
    waist. 32 in
    max bench.3 reps 220
    sports played, lacrosse, beginner bodybuilding
    I apologize If I ask inapropriate Q's and for spelling mistakes.

    diet. Here is a typical day
    Morning 8 am- oatmeal with brown sugar and glass of milk+ isoflex 2 eggs
    lunch- sandwich and soup,usually salad
    snack,mutantmass 1000 calories 52 g protien
    dinner brown rice or whole wheat pasta, 12 oz. chicken or pork or beef. 2 steamed or raw vegtables and salad with lots of variety

    this meal plan is very typical to my diet, I dont eat this every day but very close too.

    Hemo rush (prework-out,+ creatine 5-10grams), Isoflex(postworkout, and once in the morning), test freak( tribbulis/Zma/ anti-aromatase blend) taken at night with 10grams melatonin. B-100 complex with time release+ vit. C 1 gram at breakfast, Flax and omega3,6,9 fish oils with lunch. Mutant Mass once daily for extra calories/ afternoon snack.

    Work out schedual.
    days on 4-5 with 2-3 days off,
    wednesdays I workout legs and go swimming,
    thursdays I stretch and recovery from legs.
    friday is core and stabilityand balance exercises,
    saturday biceps and forearms
    sunday lats, rear deltiod and trap/ upper back
    monday, chest and triceps

    I have a gym at home and wednesdays go to the local gym/pool to exercise.
    the last six months I have really hit a platue and need to get out of it now!!!
    I did stop working out for two months from nov15- jan 15, and didnt loose any strength or mucle, but did gain a little fat around lower abs and love handles. my metabolism is med-high and i can eat what ever I want at my age i have noticed. looking to get up to 170 and lean by summer Help!!!

  2. #2
    RaZr is offline Member
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    Dirty Jersey
    What do you take 10 grams of melatonin for?

  3. #3
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Check out this link. This one of the most solid supplement regimens I have ever seen.

    I am actually adopting this myself I think it is that good.

  4. #4
    Brandon12's Avatar
    Brandon12 is offline Junior Member
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    ab, canada


    The melatonin helps me get a deep sleep, for optimal recovery, I have heard rumors about it boosting GH levels and read some supplement hand books that say the same. I use melatonin one month on on month off. starting at 3mg-5mg the first week and ten the next two, then back down to the 3-5mg forthe last week. let me know if you find this useful

  5. #5
    RaZr is offline Member
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    Dirty Jersey
    You said grams in your original post. I would do more extensive research on it, there are a lot of places stating that there is no need more then .5 mg and shouldn't be used everyday.

  6. #6
    Brandon12's Avatar
    Brandon12 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    ab, canada
    Thanks for the input, I will keep researching about melatonin.

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