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  1. #1
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Has Zinc supplementation caused night sweats for anyone else?

    I was recently diagnosed with extremely low testosterone levels . My original BW results showed a total testosterone level of 1.4 nmol/L from a range of 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L. Or to convert 40.3 ng/dl from a range of 241 - 827.

    I am 52 years old, a type 2 diabetic (which is well under control), and am obese. But I do work out regularly...weight training, and cardio.

    Anyway, that was the only blood work that I did at the time, and my Dr. prescribed Testosterone-Cypionate injections for me.

    I had my first injection of 150mg on Feb. 23rd, and had some follow up blood work a week later. The results were:

    Total Testosterone: 11.5 nmol/L from a range of 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L or 331.4 ng/dl from a range of 241 - 827. So that's gone up a bit.

    Estradiol: 178 pmol/L from a range of 28 - 156 pmol/L Using the (Roche - Electrochemiluminescence) method. (I'd asked about using the sensitive Assay for Males method, and the lab told me this was the only method they use. It was a B.C. BioMedical Government Lab.

    PSA: 0.38 ug/L from a range of <4.01 ug/L . So this seems to be okay.

    While I would like my testosterone levels to be higher, I'm sure they'll go up with more injections. My PSA levels seem to be okay. But my estradiol levels are far too high. But I will discuss this with my Dr. and perhaps she'll consider adding an A.I. such as Arimidex . (Found out today that 30 x 1 mg tablets will cost me $172.00)

    Anyway after reading several posts on this incredible forum about how zinc supplementation may help lower estrogen levels, I started supplementing with 50mg of zinc every night before bed.

    It helped me fall asleep almost instantly, and get a very good night's sleep. HOWEVER, it caused me to have substantial night sweats! I'm talking about waking up with my pillows, sheets, comforter etc SOAKING WET from night sweats!

    This was the only change I made from my normal routine/medication/supplementation. I even took a night off from taking the zinc, and no night sweats. The next day I took the zinc again, and yup, you guessed it, night sweats!!

    So I was wondering if anyone else has experienced night sweats from zinc supplementation? If they've experienced it from HRT, or TRT?

    Just curious.

    I can't wait for my next test-cyp shot, and I'm going to discuss with my Dr. if I can shorten the time between injections to at least weekly, and hopefully I'll be able to do them myself at home.

    Thanks for any feedback.

    This is a great board for information!

  2. #2
    jypoll's Avatar
    jypoll is offline Member
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    i take 25mg zinc nightly with no problems.... Im sure your physician already told you, but lowering your body fat will increase testosterone but decreasing how much is converted to estrogen

  3. #3
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012

    I've started to lose some weight. Lost 21 lbs. since Jan. 6th so far.

  4. #4
    doc w's Avatar
    doc w is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by killergoalie

    I've started to lose some weight. Lost 21 lbs. since Jan. 6th so far.
    I take zinc 50 mg And never had a problem. It is supposed to have some anti aromatics action, so maybe Sudden drop in estrogen is causing sweats.

  5. #5
    JayBee's Avatar
    JayBee is offline Associate Member
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    New Jersey
    when I take ZMA which has 30mg zinc before bed I get the same night sweats, everything from my abdomen up is soaked, my shirt, the sheets, covers, and especially my pillow. it's crazy!

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