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  1. #1
    drake25 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    fat soluble multivitamin? dangerous?

    opti-men said its a fat soluble? multivitamin, which apparently means it gets stored in your liver?

    should i take a multivitamin like that? it sounds kinda sketchy..

    the whole point of taking a multi is to be healthy not kill yourself 20 years down the road haha

  2. #2
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Feb 2011
    There is a number of vitamins that are water soluble, just like there is a number of vitamins that are fat soluble.

    Opti-men, like any other multi-vitamin brand out there, naturally consists of both water and fat soluble vitamins.

    There is nothing sketchy or dangerous about it.

    For the record, this is exactly why medical experts insist that multi vitamins should be taken with food, so that it becomes soluble and hence works (since a typical meal is supposed to have some fats).

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