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  1. #1
    Riptorn's Avatar
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    37 and just started lifting

    My doc has me in the gym due to low T and I'm really digging it (the gym). He has me on the Androderm patch as well. have decent cardio and a trainer set me up on a newbe workout. I was wondering what supplements I should be taking to help with strength, toning and recovery.

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Welcome..Obviously a multi and i like to add 1,000mgs of vit-c. Creatine and whey protein should be a staple as well.

  3. #3
    Riptorn's Avatar
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    Check on the multi. I also for general health take A,C & E with CoQ 10 and Chromium. What's the benefit of Creatine and Whey?

  4. #4
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    I know what your thinking, and my only advise is TRY to work out for at least a yr to 7-8 months minimum before even entertaining the thought of using...(AAS)....just saying.

  5. #5
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    The results you get over the first 6 months would be compared to those of some who has worked out for 2yrs then doing AAS...just train true and disaplined and stick with it(consistancy is the key).

  6. #6
    Riptorn's Avatar
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    I won't say it hadn't crossed my mind or I'd have never found these boards. However I would like to see what I could do with regular supps and advice. I agree with you that AAS are not necessary for all people in every application. I'll never be a competitive body builder or anything like that. All I'm looking for is to be in better shape. Lol

  7. #7
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riptorn View Post
    I won't say it hadn't crossed my mind or I'd have never found these boards. However I would like to see what I could do with regular supps and advice. I agree with you that AAS are not necessary for all people in every application. I'll never be a competitive body builder or anything like that. All I'm looking for is to be in better shape. Lol
    Don't BS me we both know you are more than likely going to end up using... just workout for a while first and get your muscles in shape and bf under control. Trust me your body is going to respond naturally for the first 6 months like dynamite, eat right, eat well, train consistently and you will be amazed...meantime stay on here and learn what yo can so when you do, you know what the hell your doing and can make reasonable, educated decisions, not what some dumb ass at the gym tells you. good luck.

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    And to add to the ongoing conversaton about taking anabolics (thinking about it anyways). Since you've NEVER lifted weights before, you need to consider muscular strength AND the strength of your tendons/ligaments. You need to know that muscular strength increases fairly rapidly, and tendon strength slowly. So even without steroids , you need to think about protecting your tendons so as to prevent injury. I'd advise against lifting with real heavy (for you) weights for about the first year, until your tendon strength even has a chance of catching up. And then you after you are beginning to lift heavy (for you), then go AT LEAST another couple of years strengthening your tendons BEFORE trying steroids. Otherwise, you'll hurt yourelf. It happens all the time.
    Other than that, glad you joined!

  9. #9
    Riptorn's Avatar
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    Beck. Don't think I was trying to blow smoke up your a$$. I'm new to this. Maybe I don't have all the lingo down. I don't want to be huge. My goal is 200lbs, 35in waste, and cut. I seriously just started this, as in 1 week ago. There is absolutely no way I'd jump in the deep end without testing the shallows first. So I'm working on cleaning up my diet. I do cardio 5 days a week which brings up the question can/should I do both on the same day? I have been so far but only lift 3 times a week. I was in this particular forum because it was about supps. If and when I feel I'd like to try AAS, I'd go to that forum to post. As of this particular point in time I seriously only am interested in what supps would be most beneficial.

  10. #10
    Riptorn's Avatar
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    Thanks Roman. That's good advice I never thought about. Stpete recommended Creatine and whey. Are those some of the basics or is it still too early for those? Also can you recommend any supps for a beginner.

  11. #11
    GreMos's Avatar
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    A good whey is essential. Creatines optional. I would say go for it and take con-cret Creatine. (it's good shit)

    But I wouldn't worry too much about loading up on supplements right now. Learning how to train and diet properly is the key thing to look into right now before loading yourself. I can't say much for the losing weight part but I can grow mass like a bastard. Also maybe consider BCAA's for that extra kick since you to cardio so often. (depends how intense as well but BCAA's will DEFINITELY help)

  12. #12
    guitarzan's Avatar
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    Do you some squats, the best way to increase test naturally

  13. #13
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riptorn View Post
    Beck. Don't think I was trying to blow smoke up your a$$. I'm new to this. Maybe I don't have all the lingo down. I don't want to be huge. My goal is 200lbs, 35in waste, and cut. I seriously just started this, as in 1 week ago. There is absolutely no way I'd jump in the deep end without testing the shallows first. So I'm working on cleaning up my diet. I do cardio 5 days a week which brings up the question can/should I do both on the same day? I have been so far but only lift 3 times a week. I was in this particular forum because it was about supps. If and when I feel I'd like to try AAS, I'd go to that forum to post. As of this particular point in time I seriously only am interested in what supps would be most beneficial.
    Didn't mean to come off like an ass, but your talking to grown men like your self, so no need to beat around the bush. And I for one totally understand your goals, good luck and hope you find the info your looking for, there are a lot of knowledgeable guys on here that are always willing to help. As for training cardio and weights in the same day, I guess it would be dependent on what your limits and capabilities and workout routine don't want to run your self into the ground, which is easy to do as we get older.
    A good start would be to post your routine and let some guys critique it and give some advise....just make sure to remind them your a newbie and training all natural.

  14. #14
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    I had to find out what BCAA's were and it says Whey usually has the most in it naturally. You think I should add to it?

    The reason I was looking at sups was to make sure I wasn't running myself out of something that would make my workout fore naught. I think the Whey, Creatine and Sup pack should be all I need for now.

    As for weight. I'm not a huge fatty, lol. I'm 6'-0" at 210lbs. While I was smoking I was 185lbs but quitting 4 months ago blew me up to 225. From diet and cardio I got back down to 210 but know if I put on muscle I will never see 185 again. Cardio is 4.5 mi on a machine at 7 deg inc usually lasting about an hour.
    Last edited by Riptorn; 09-03-2012 at 09:19 AM.

  15. #15
    britt28 is offline Female Member
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    Hey, I know I'm speaking from a woman's perspective but it's really the same thing in regards to weight. You shouldn't really focus on the scale but on your body composition. So, worrying about the specific 185 lb. isn't as important as being leaner. I've seen women lose 5 lbs. (on the scale) but looks amazing in their transformation because they lost fat, gained some muscle over time and their weight was a 5 lbs. less than when they started. It's their bodyfat percentage that went way down. It would be the same for you. Of course, I know you want the weight to go down and it will, but not focus on having to get to 185. You could weigh 200 and look awesome at your height with a lower single digit bodyfat.

  16. #16
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    Agree completely with you Britt. I was saying that as muscle weighs more that I'd probably not get down there again. I'm totally cool with that. The goal of 200 lbs is what I figured could have me cut looking without being cartoonishly swollen up. I would however like to get back to a 35" waist. At my thinnest at 27 it got down to 32 but that's way too skinny. Thanks for the female perspective though. Much appreciated.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riptorn View Post
    Thanks Roman. That's good advice I never thought about. Stpete recommended Creatine and whey. Are those some of the basics or is it still too early for those? Also can you recommend any supps for a beginner.
    Creatine and whey are fine. Creatine will help you with the last couple of reps in your sets. Or at least it does for me.

    try not to get too carried away with all the hype surrounding supplements. Most are expensive and a waste of time/money.

    Good luck!

  18. #18
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Creatine and whey are fine. Creatine will help you with the last couple of reps in your sets. Or at least it does for me.

    try not to get too carried away with all the hype surrounding supplements. Most are expensive and a waste of time/money.

    Good luck!
    X2......most supplements are not even proven to be beneficial due to absorbtion.....Eat well balanced meals and you will get 95% of everything you will ever need!

  19. #19
    Riptorn's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. As for the diet. I see people here adding calories but don't think I'm at that point yet. I still need to lose the gut first.

  20. #20
    havanakid's Avatar
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    Just make sure you do your cardio AFTER your weight training and not before otherwise youll be energy and strength depleted goin into your workout.If youre hitting the weights with intensity then 35 to 45 minutes of cardio afterwards should be enough.On cardio days only you can do 45-to an hour just make sure you eat right and get your whey protein no more than 30 to 45 minutes after your workout.Welcome!!!Good luck friend.

  21. #21
    Riptorn's Avatar
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    Awsome Havana. That answered my next question. Thanks guys and gals for the help. I really appreciate all the good advice.

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