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  1. #1
    mustang_9333 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Will EXT Real Test cause gynecomastia???

    Hi. This is my first post so I'm sorry if I sound stupid or ignorant.

    I have never taken steroids or GH and don't plan to do so. But I am interested in taking a test booster. I understand that increasing test will increase estrogen and possibly cause gynecomastia . The supplement EXT Sports REAL TEST has a test booster and antiaromatase. I'm not looking to make the gains of steroids. Just some gains from a test booster. But I am terrified of gyne. So if I do one cycle, will I see any gyne once I cycle off? Does anyone have experience with this supplement. I am by the way 25 yrs old. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Bevsta123's Avatar
    Bevsta123 is offline Member
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    Dec 2011
    Western Australia
    this post made me laugh, you have no idea about the whole steroid scene;
    1. A test booster is not a "steroid"
    2. Test boosters are shit and 99.99% of them dont work as they claim
    3. I highly doubt you'd get gyno from a test booster.

  3. #3
    bcaasdirty's Avatar
    bcaasdirty is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Hey bud

    I wouldnt waste your $ on a test booster. Good rule of thumb concerning supplements if it sounds too good to be true, it is (which is what EVERY test booster claims to do in those big fancy advertisements in Muscle/Fitness etc). If you must spend your $ on a supp I would suggest something tried and true (eg creatine, whey, preworkout stuff etc, pending your goals of course ) Thats my .02!


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