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Thread: effective mass gainers

  1. #1
    hulkBuster is offline New Member
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    effective mass gainers

    What are some fast effecting mass gainer or meal replacement out. Im currently taking serious mass by ON. Mixes well and tastes good too. Wanna know if there a better product out thats on the healthy side.

  2. #2
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont know much about the product mentioned but a alot of weight gainers are loaded in sugar to get the calories.
    If I has to suggest one it would be CytoGainer.

  3. #3
    chi's Avatar
    chi is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    if you prefer gluten free monster mass is a great mass gainer but if you can tolerate gluten up your mass from mhp is awesome

  4. #4
    chi's Avatar
    chi is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    both have great carbs with up your mass deriving them from wheat, barley, and oats and monster mass from waxy maize

  5. #5
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    I love to read the labels where they say 250g of carbohydrates with no added sugars.

    What do they think carbohydrates are? --> SUGARS!

    Best advice I can give you is to read the labels carefully and chose the best one that you consider "healthier"

    IMO its better to just throw in a couple of extra meals into your day. This way you control the macros and their source.

    Remember that increase in calories does not mean increase in muscle mass.
    If you would like me to expand on this repost with your stats and experience in training.
    Age, current weight, height, bf%, years of training, all these play into how much gains you can make in a year.

  6. #6
    hulkBuster is offline New Member
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    I am 5'10. 165lbs. Age 25. I really don't know my body fat%. I've been training for the past 4 years with little gains. My body's more so toning than gaining weight. My calorie intake is at 3500(though I don't always reach that by the end of the night.)

  7. #7
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Just eat clean meals of chicken brown rice and fish sweet potato
    being 25 your probably eating out a but also which is basically junk. Yes it's hard to gain but not really if you put your full effort into it.

    I wouldn't say one mass gainer over the other. You just need to eat and eat right. This doesn't include a large pizza or some tacos from the local shop

  8. #8
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulkBuster View Post
    I am 5'10. 165lbs. Age 25. I really don't know my body fat%. I've been training for the past 4 years with little gains. My body's more so toning than gaining weight. My calorie intake is at 3500(though I don't always reach that by the end of the night.)
    Enjoy the lean look while you can cause in 15 years you will be the opposite probably. Ex- I'm eating 1900 calories a day and still gaining fat haha
    so enjoy
    songdog likes this.

  9. #9
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Powdered oats
    Natty PB

    Homemade shake full of natural goodness.


  10. #10
    hulkBuster is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chi View Post
    both have great carbs with up your mass deriving them from wheat, barley, and oats and monster mass from waxy maize
    Sorry what mhp.

  11. #11
    hulkBuster is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Just eat clean meals of chicken brown rice and fish sweet potato
    being 25 your probably eating out a but also which is basically junk. Yes it's hard to gain but not really if you put your full effort into it.

    I wouldn't say one mass gainer over the other. You just need to eat and eat right. This doesn't include a large pizza or some tacos from the local shop
    3500 calorie intake. Would you say im on the right track with that. I'm becoming more discipline on eating. I only engage in the junk food every once in awhile. For the past 4 years I've shoved my face with chicken, steak, fish, white rice, yoplait yogurts, men health mix peanuts, serious mass mass gainer as a meal replacment.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulkBuster View Post
    I am 5'10. 165lbs. Age 25. I really don't know my body fat%. I've been training for the past 4 years with little gains. My body's more so toning than gaining weight. My calorie intake is at 3500(though I don't always reach that by the end of the night.)
    IMO your calories are too high. At your age I would guess the max lean muscle mass you could possibly hope to gain in one year of workout is between 5-10lbs.
    That would only require 300-500 extra calories above your base line per day.

    If I was you I would cut calories to 2500 max per day and focus on turning flab into muscle.

    Weight is irrelevant, bf% is where all the action is.

    If you have not seen gains in 4 years, you need to seriously revise your workout program.


  13. #13
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulkBuster View Post
    3500 calorie intake. Would you say im on the right track with that. I'm becoming more discipline on eating. I only engage in the junk food every once in awhile. For the past 4 years I've shoved my face with chicken, steak, fish, white rice, yoplait yogurts, men health mix peanuts, serious mass mass gainer as a meal replacment.
    Need your stats. You may have a tdee of 3000 and your young metabolism! Diet is the key here. It takes long term dedication. Most stop after 2 weeks saying it's not working. Have patience and push forward.

    bib is right i do cottage cheese shakes with berries natty peanut butter bunch of goodness!

  14. #14
    shaunjohn242002's Avatar
    shaunjohn242002 is offline Associate Member
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    I've been drinking it for a few weeks now, gnc had it. I went there to get amp weight gainer. It was only 37 bucks which is pretty damn cheap for a weight gainer at gnc. I'm very pleased with it so far. I was surprised I actually liked the taste. If weight is what your after then it's a good choice. Of course you know that it will never be as good as real food. But if you have a fast metabolism or a job where you burn a shitload of calories, I think its great

  15. #15
    hulkBuster is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellomycognomen View Post
    IMO your calories are too high. At your age I would guess the max lean muscle mass you could possibly hope to gain in one year of workout is between 5-10lbs.
    That would only require 300-500 extra calories above your base line per day.

    If I was you I would cut calories to 2500 max per day and focus on turning flab into muscle.

    Weight is irrelevant, bf% is where all the action is.

    If you have not seen gains in 4 years, you need to seriously revise your workout program.

    No weight gain, more of a transformation of the physique, I will post an thread today about my workout, would like to hear your thoughts on it.

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