I’ve decided to finally do a log on here! Need to motivation and accountability! Progress has been slow for me for a while. It gets mentally exhausting sometimes because I feel like I’m not progressing but looking back, I can see the changes.

I started this journey over 200lbs and never touching a weight. Lost about 75lbs, most by not eating, got in the gym and fell in love with lifting! Years of very low calories and no plan in the gym or knowledge of nutrition, I didn’t accomplish much. I started reading, asking questions, and learning...things started to change and progress. I ran my first bulk in 2010 and since then, I have continued to put on muscle and lose very little fat regardless of what I do. I do however have an autoimmune thyroid disease that plays a big role in this.

Anyways, on with the good stuff!

Training schedule is 4 days of lifting M,T,Th,
& Fri. (Upper/Lower split)
Most days, training is high density but I do occasionally switch it up depending on if training alone and unable to really do giant sets.

Most days I have a whopping 45 mins to get in and out of the gym so I try to pack in as much as possible! I can usually get back to do a little cardio before work. (About 20 mins)

Nutrition- I just switched from IF back to the 4-5 meals a day. Weekends more like 2 possibly 3 meals but calories/macros stay the same.
150p/150c/60f= 1740calories

Currently, I’m trying to work my calories back up to 1800. I had gotten down to 1300 calories. Gotta revamp before I loose my mind!