Bike x 30 minutes.
200 side/oblique crunches
3 SS lat Pulldowns w/rows (20,15,15)
3 SS shrugs w/rear flies (15 all)
Maybe biceps later, but might just chill.
Bike x 30 minutes.
200 side/oblique crunches
3 SS lat Pulldowns w/rows (20,15,15)
3 SS shrugs w/rear flies (15 all)
Maybe biceps later, but might just chill.
Bike x 30 minutes
4 sets high curls (20,15, 15, 15)
4 sets of 12 hammer curls
3 SS curls w/reverse curls (12)
3 sets of 15 woodchoppers
Ended the week with:
4 sets of 15 decline press
4 sets of 15 pressdowns
4 sets of 15 decline flies
4 sets of 15 dips
3 consecutive drop sets of overhead extensions (15, 12, 9)
Quickie before NFL Sunday (and some decadent food).
2 mile walk - 40 minutes.
3 SS rows w/curls (20,15,12)
3 SS bent over lateral raises w/reverse curls (15 all)
4 sets 25 of decline press
3 consecutive drop sets of high curls (15,13,12)
SF game was surprisingly close. Interesting games today - go Josh Allen (but some Buffalo injuries unfortunately could really cost them)
Nothing fancy:
Bike x 20
9 sets chest (15 reps)
6 sets delts (15 reps)
12 sets triceps (15 reps)
Regrettably my eating habits though not horrific are still adding to the scale. It’s been fun, but time to clean it up 100%.
The wife & I went to the home-gym store & bought a nice treadmill. Plus I picked up 4 100# resistance bands.
3 SS lat Pulldowns w/curls (15,13,12)
3 SS rows w/hammer curls (15, 12, 12)
3 SS shrugs w/high curls (all 12)
3 SS reverse flies w/reverse Curls (15,12,12)
Resistance band actual resistance varies from brand to brand, these were legitimately more resistance than my 80# bands. Hopefully treadmill gets delivered early next week.
Have been locked out since last post. I’ll post up later if things are still working as normal.
Really uninspired workouts as of late, but the treadmill was delivered last Friday & both my wife & I love it.
Today was AM treadmill & abs. PM back & biceps.
Man did Baltimore screw the pooch on Sunday, the Super Bowl win was theirs to lose & indeed they did.
3 SS decline press w/incline flies (20 all)
3 SS dips w/ lateral raises (15 all)
3 SS pressdowns w/bent over lateral raises (15all)
3 consecutive drop sets of overhead extensions (12, 12, 10)
45 minutes treadmill
300 side/oblique crunches
40 minutes treadmill
3 SS decline press w/lat Pulldowns (20,15,15)
3 SS upright row w/decline flies (15 all)
3 SS rows w/bent over lateral raises (15 all)
My Endo wanted to check my test and my prolactin levels (I have a pituitary adenoma and I’ve been on cab for almost a decade).
Prolactin was only one point high, which is pretty consistent, BUT my test came in over 1100! Now considering I’m on 120 mg./wk, that was way inconsistent with my previous labs. Only variable was that I’m taking my 1 iu of HGH. And, I’m not aware that HGH should raise my test levels or am I wrong?
If it shouldn’t, then what am I injecting?
30 minutes treadmill
300 side/oblique crunches
4 SS high curls w/pressdowns (20,15,15,15)
4 SS dips w/reverse Curls (15,15,12,12)
4 SS curls w/overhead extensions (12 all)
45 minutes on the treadmill and 325 side/obliques crunches in AM, while watching my new favorite show. Really digging “Get Up” on ESPN. Knowledgeable and funny. Hmmm, what will da Bears do????
PM workout canceled as I fell asleep in front of the fireplace with my cat on my lap. There’s always tomorrow . . . .
Keeping it fresh & interesting for me.
40 minutes treadmill
4 SS of 25 reps decline press w/rows
20 minutes treadmill
4 SS of 25 reps curls w/pressdowns
Treadmill was $ well spent. Plus now I rarely ever have to leave the house, which I’m totally happy with.
Oh, yesterday I tried a “5 guys” burger for the very first time (delivered of course). It was their double cheeseburger and I added a small fries. A total winner, one of the better cheeseburgers I’ve had & really great fries.
Solid week:
5 days of AM cardio (treadmill and/or bike x 45 minutes) and abs
2 push days & 2 pull days in the PM. Generally 12 sets of 15 reps per body part, done SS style.
Bless that home treadmill & bike. I’ve never done so much consistent cardio since my basketball days 30 years ago.
Another solid week for this old geezer:
5 (M-F) AM workouts of bike or treadmill along with abs (thank you ESPN for making the time fly by!).
1 push workout, 1 pull, 1 day chest & back, and today was another 30 on the treadmill and a variety of arm and shoulder super-sets. Still neglectful of legs & rationalizing it by convincing myself that the cardio might suffice, lol.
Dropped the suspect HGH and reduced TRT to only 100 mg. per week.
3 days of yard work prepping for the landscapers. Have seriously lifted & carried over 1500 pounds of stone used for hardscaping. My back is hurting.
Kind of got distracted with inside & outside renovation stuff. I also realized I haven’t pinned in over a week.
Back to the old-geezer routine of treadmill & some bands. Hit all upper body parts, but 15-20 reps for only a few sets each.
Well, due to continued shenanigans with house/yard renovations, my workouts have suffered. I don’t want to do treadmill & bands in front of workers & forget about working out at night, lol.
That said, motivated my wrinkled old ass to get in 30 minutes of treadmill, 6 sets of 15-20 for chest. 3 sets of 15 for delts and 8 sets of 10-12 for triceps.
No more work for the next 2 weeks so hopefully I should string together some regularity once again.
Had a nice week last week. A push day, a pull day and a day of SS of just arms. Each day w/ 45 mins on the treadmill. Plus I had 2 days of some solid yard work.
Yesterday was various SS’s of chest, back & delts. Today was SS’s of biceps & triceps. Each day with 40 minutes on the treadmill.
Still feeling good w/ next to no shoulder pain, but keeping chest & shoulder work @ higher reps (15-20). Increased resistance & dropped reps with arms to 8-12 reps.
Here comes spring; no complaints.
I'm gonna do some shit different, start posting, catching up, begin pacing, maybe be in the lead group. Thanks for sharing!
Week before last, some cervical arthritis said hello again & delivered some truly nasty muscle spasms, but I still got in some Uber-light chest & arm work and a little treadmill.
Last week pain dropped progressively through out the week & upped the volume/intensity. 1 pull day, 1 push day & 2 days of bi’s/tri’s.
Now at 100%.
30 minutes treadmill.
6 sets of SS between delts and chest. 15-20 reps
25 minutes treadmill
9 SS of either chest/triceps or delt/triceps kept reps at 15.
Feeling very good. Damn those muscle spasms were damn scary; haven’t had them for 5 years. I am relieved as all f.
On track due to the Spring weather. Third week where I get in 2 push and 2 pull days during the week split into two workouts per day. Getting in about 40-50 minutes daily on the treadmill as well. A couple of weeks ago, for shits and giggles decided to throw in 10 sets of biceps on Saturday & 10 sets of triceps on Sundays every weekend.
BUT - due to my 1100 testosterone test result, my Endo of course wanted another test. So low an behold, 3 months later this Monday I did so. Keep in mind that I am taking no more than 120 mg. /week. So the results was a head scratching 1275!?! WTF? How is that possible?
Same ole, same ole. Monday was a push day separated into an AM & PM workout. Yesterday the same with a pull day. Today was just AM treadmill and going to attend to some yard work later.
I thought my endo was going to blow a gasket over that testosterone lab, but it hasn’t happened. I’m going to voluntarily drop down to 100 mg./wk & am confident it will be just fine.
Damn my wife is a monster in the kitchen. We eat pretty damn clean, but weight is back into the 190’s. Funny thing is, I couldn’t care less, still filling out a t-shirt nicely and fitting into my 32” waist Levi’s. And my oh my, continue to just love those resistance bands and long for the feel of iron less & less.
Nope. After the previous high testosterone levels of 1100 ish, I thought maybe the new batch of HGH was something else, so like a goof, just tossed it.
I doubt I’ll be adding anything else although arimidex really worked nicely for me when I first started TRT. I might give it a go at very low doses. I have some left, it’s old & out of date but, so am I, so we might be a perfect match for each other.
BTW, NFL withdrawal sucks. Man, next season is going to be interesting!
Hit arms 5 days in a row ( 8-12 sets) plus throwing in some high rep delts, pecs and traps. Why not have some fun?
Started my A-Dex experiment to see if it will contribute like I thought it did when I first started TRT and before it fell out of favor.
Simply seeing if it helped like last time, some 9 years ago. I felt that when I first started with TRT, my body composition changed drastically with regards to fat loss, I’m thinking it might had been attributed to the a-dex and not only 150 mg. of test per week.
We’ll see.
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