ok, first, my quads are nasty huge. They are by far the most powerful, and largest muscle group of my body. I haven't trained them this way, they just grow, and grow, and grow... even before i trained they were huge...

so heres my problem, the quadricep group looks good, but the vastus medialis muscle is not the way i like. I like them huge, and cut so you can see the good seperation between the medialis and vastus lateralis, with crazy striations! i have that in my lateralis muscle, but the medialis doesn't grow at the same rate, and is slightly small.

So for the educated/possibly competition bros, what can i do to directly work the medialis muscle? I knwo all stress can't be put on it obviously, as your knee works using a balance of medialis and lateralis, but how could i put more pressure on the medialis to catch it up?
thanx for any help/ or ideas given!