Thread: My training Journal...
02-01-2006, 08:02 PM #161
02-02-2006, 05:32 AM #162
Meal 1: 1 a.m.
Sleep: 1:30 a.m.
Wake: 4 a.m.
Gym: 5 a.m.
Thursday 2nd February...
Back; Tris; Calves
General warmup: recumbant bike: 5 minutes
Area specific 'warm-up': Chins: Bodyweight: 3 sets: 10 reps each set(including full reps and partials)
I.A. Rack Chins:
These were done with a 45 lb plate in my lap...
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: [dropset] 6 reps; bodyweight: 4 reps
Hamstring warm-up: SLDL on 6" platform: bare bar.. stretching past toes: 10 reps
Rack deadlifts:
pulling from just above mid-shin...Didn't use straps... trying to increase grip strength. So far it seems to be working.
bare bar: 10 reps
Set 1: 135 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 225 lbs: 5 reps [warm-up]
Set 3: 405 lbs: 1 rep [work-set]
Set 4: 405 lbs: 1 rep [work-set]
Set 5: 365 lbs: 3 reps [work-set][grip failure...]
Barbell Row:
Standing on 6" platform... Overhand grip.. shoulderwidth... Torso parallel (at times sub-parallel) to ground...
Set 1: 135 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 135 lbs: 8 reps
Set 3: 185 lbs: 6 reps [work-set]
Set 4: 225 lbs: 6 reps [work-set]
1-arm Dumbbell row:
Set 1: 60 lb dumbbell: 15 reps
Set 2: 80 lb dumbbell: 10 reps
Set 3: 110 lb dumbbell: 8 reps
Reverse Hyper-extension:
2 sets: 10 reps each
Close grip Bench press:
bare bar: 10 reps
Set 1: 95 lbs: 5 reps
Set 2: 135 lbs: 5 reps
Set 3: 185 lbs: 5 reps
Set 4: 225 lbs: 5 reps (2+ 3 assists)...[work-set]
Set 5: 185 lbs: 5 reps ['rep-out']
Smith Machine Calf-raises:
Set 1: 90 lbs: 10 reps
Set 2: 180 lbs: 10 reps
Set 3: 270 lbs: 10 reps
Set 4: 360 lbs: 8 reps
Set 5: 270 lbs: 12 reps (9 reps straight.. followed by a 10-count rest.. followed by 3 more reps) ...['rep-out']
PWO meal: 7:30 a.m.
Sleep: 8 a.m.
Wake: 11 a.m.
Meal 3: 11:30 a.m.
School: 1 p.m.
Eating.. proposed to continue throught-out the day at 3 hour intervals.
02-02-2006, 06:08 AM #163
wow...i thought i had a long day. lol.
02-02-2006, 02:32 PM #164Originally Posted by Narkissos
02-02-2006, 04:59 PM #165Originally Posted by Narkissos
02-03-2006, 10:07 AM #166
Hey bro - how can we incorporate this set/rep scheme for a back/bi day?
Any thoughts?
you are bulking right now? training for mass? Why the one rep deads? Strength training?
02-05-2006, 06:55 PM #167Originally Posted by taiboxa
Sunday 5th February 2006
6 p.m.
Legs; Chest; Triceps
Squats were done ass-to-calves...These were hella more challenging than my usual parallel squats... thus total poundage was less.
warm-up: 2 sets: bare bar: 20 reps each set
Set 1: 135 lbs: 20 reps
Set 2: 185 lbs: 10 reps
Set 3: 225 lbs: 10 reps
Set 4: 275 lbs: 6 reps
I was breathing heavily at the end of each set.. This shit is taxing as hell!
Seated Leg-curls:
Set 1: 50 lbs: 20 reps
Set 2: 75 lbs: 20 reps
Set 3: 100 lbs: 15 reps
Set 4: 100 lbs: 15 reps
Standing [smith-machine] Calf-raise:
set 1: 90 lbs: 20 reps
Set 2: 90 lbs: 20 reps
Set 3: 180 lbs: 10 reps; 90 lbs: 10 reps
Set 4: 180 lbs: 10 reps; 90 lbs: 10 reps
I used varying heel positions on this exercise...
Incline Dumbbell Bench press:
Set 1: 40 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 50 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 3: 60 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 4: 80 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 5: 100 lb dumbbells: 5 reps [work set: unassisted]
Set 6: 100 lb dumbbells: 5 reps [work set: unassisted]
One-arm over-head Dumbbell French press:
Set 1: 20 lb dumbbell: 20 reps
Set 2: 30 lb dumbbell: 8 reps
Set 3: 35 lb dumbbell: 6 reps
Set 4: 25 lb dumbbell: 8 reps
This session took approximately: 1 hr and 15 minutes to complete
02-05-2006, 07:03 PM #168Originally Posted by Kurz
Chins: 3 sets:each to failure... general warm-up
Deadlifts: 4 sets: 4-6 rep-range
Barbell rows: 4 sets: 8-12 rep-range
Hyper extensions: 4 sets: 15-20 rep-range
Standing barbell curl: 2 sets (one warm-up.. one workset): 4-6 rep range
Dumbbell preacher curl: 2 sets (one warm-up.. one workset): 8-12 rep range
Standing Cable curl: 2 sets: 15-20 rep range
Originally Posted by Kurz
I'm a competitive bodybuilder.. i'm 'always' training for mass... i'm always 'strength training'... I'm 'bulking' (or at least in the 'bulking' mindset) even when i'm 'cutting'
So my answer would be yes.. and no.
Originally Posted by xtinaunasty
02-07-2006, 12:51 AM #169Junior Member
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Great work man... Keep it up! you have a PM..
02-07-2006, 08:29 PM #170Originally Posted by tt2323
Tuesday 7th February 2006
Back; Shoulders; Biceps
5:10 a.m.
[bodyweight] Chins:
Set 1: 8 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 6 reps
Set 4: 5 reps
Rack Deadlifts:
Set 1: 135 lbs: 10 reps [no straps]
Set 2: 225 lbs: 10 reps [no straps]
Set 3: 315 lbs: 5 reps [no straps]
Set 4: 405 lbs: 8 reps [work-set: using straps]
Barbell Row:
These were done standing on a 6" platform..with an overhand grip.. just outside of shoulder width.
Set 1: 135 lbs: 12 reps
Set 2: 225 lbs: 5 reps; 135 lbs: 5 reps
Set 3: 275 lbs: 3 reps; 185 lbs: 4 reps; 135 lbs: 5 reps
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder press:
I decided to take a less aggressive approach to warming up my shoulders... it seemed to pay off in the end.
Set 1: 25 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 35 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 3: 45 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 4: 60 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 5: 70 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 6: 80 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [work-set: no assists]
Set 7: 90 lb dumbbells: 4 reps [work-set: w/ assists]
The last set was poor imo. I wasted a lot of energy getting the dumbbells to shoulder height...
Barbell Upright Rows:
2 sets: bare bar: 10 reps each set: narrow grip on the first set.. medium grip on the next:[warm-up]
Set 1: 65 lbs: 10 reps [medium grip.. pulling to eye-level]
Set 2: 105 lbs: 10 reps [medium grip.. pulling to chin-level]
Set 3: 105 lbs: 10 reps [medium grip.. pulling to chin-level]
One-arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl:
Set 1: 30 lb dumbbell: 8 reps
Set 2: 40 lb dumbbell: 6 reps
Set 3: 40 lb dumbbell: 6 reps
Set 4: 40 lb dumbbell: 6 reps
Set 5: 30 lb dumbbell: 8 reps
End: 6:30 a.m.
Session duration: 1 hr; 20 minutes
02-08-2006, 05:41 PM #171
You may've noticed that i'm training everything twice per week now. What you may not have noticed is that each workout has a different focus. Let me expand on the concept:
Sunday: Leg; Chest; Triceps
The main emphasis during this session is legs. Chest and tri get hit hard.. but briefly with 1 exercise a piece.
Tuesday: Back; Shoulders; Biceps
This session is Shoulder-dominant. Because legs was the day prior, it would've been inadvisable to make this a back-dominant workout.
Wednesday: Leg; Chest; Triceps
This is a chest dominant session. Leg's get hit hard but with the bare minimum of exercises and sets.
Friday: Back; Shoulders; Biceps
Back-dominant workout. Shoulders get hit hard.. but with the bare minimum of exercises and sets.
02-08-2006, 05:41 PM #172
Wenesday 8th February 2006
Leg; Chest; Triceps
5:25 a.m.
Started a lil late today.. truthfully did NOT want to train. My body ached.. my mind did It's been a rough week outside the gym. But i got there in the end..and had a good session to boot.
We decided on the Leg-press instead of the front squat as both my training partner and myself were complaining about lower back soreness.. My erectors ached! It was lovely!
warm-up: 2 sets: 120 lbs: 20 reps each set
Set 1: 300 lbs: 10 reps
Set 2: 480 lbs: 10 reps
Set 3: 660 lbs: 10 reps
Seated Leg-curls:
Set 1: 50 lbs: 20 reps
Set 2: 75 lbs: 20 reps
Set 3: 100 lbs: 10 reps; 75 lbs: 10 reps
Seated Calf-raise:
Set 1: 50 lbs: 20 reps
Set 2: 100 lbs: 15 reps
Set 3: 150 lbs: 10 reps; 100 lbs: 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Bench:
Set 1: 50 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 70 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 3: 90 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 4: 100 lb dumbbells: 5 reps [work set]
Set 5: 100 lb dumbbells: 4 reps [work set]
Flat Dumbbell Bench:
Set 1: 90 lb dumbbells: 5 reps
Set 2: 90 lb dumbbells: 5 reps
Set 3: 90 lb dumbbells: 5 reps
Reverse-grip Bench:
Set 1: 135 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 185 lbs: 6 reps
Set 3: 135 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 135 lbs: 6 reps
I think i'm going to drop these... I'm not getting the 'feeling' i was before.
end: 6:30 a.m.
Session duration:1 hr; 5 minutes
02-08-2006, 05:54 PM #173Originally Posted by Narkissos
u try it once and ur hooked i got like 4 clients and 3 friends doing it and they all love it.. infact one of my friends is old mr. oklahoma he is seksi
when u going to run for mr. oklahoma Narkie'Poo?
02-08-2006, 05:56 PM #174Originally Posted by taiboxa
I'll run for every title you got up there.
Edit: every Bodybuilding title that is
02-10-2006, 04:09 PM #175
Friday 10th February 2006
Back; Shoulders; Biceps [back-dominant day]
5:10 a.m.
Recumbant bike: 5 mins
Roman Chair sit-ups: 3 sets: 15 reps; 12 reps; 10 reps
[bodyweight] Hyper-extensions: 3 sets: 10 reps each set
[Bodyweight] Chins superset with Stiff-arm Dumbbell pullover (40 lb dumbbell):
Set 1: 10 reps/ 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps/ 10 reps
Set 3: 7 reps/ 10 reps
Set 4: 6 reps/ 10 reps
One-arm Dumbbell Rows:
At the end of each set i attempted a set of chins.. In reality, my lats couldn't contract fully.. so my 'chins' more resembled partials.When i couldn't get a 'chin' completed.. i hung on to the bar til my grip failed. Today i worked out with 2 guys so i had enough time between sets to recover. Thus it didn't affect my performance negatively.
Set 1: 60 lb dumbbell: 15 reps [3 chins]
Set 2: 70 lb dumbbell: 12 reps [2 chins]
Set 3: 80 lb dumbbell: 10 reps [0 chins: static hang til grip failure]
Set 4: 100 lb dumbbell: 8 reps [0 chins: static hang til grip failure]
Set 5: 120 lb dumbbell: 8 reps [0 chins: static hang til grip failure]
Close-grip pulldown to front:
Overhand grip... hands spaced about 10" apart...
Set 1: 200 lbs: 4 reps; 170 lbs: 4 reps; 145 lbs: 4 reps
Set 2: 160 lbs: 6 reps; 125 lbs: 5 reps
Set 3: 160 lbs: 6 reps; 115 lbs: 6 reps
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press:
I took my time warming up.. as i could hear my shoulder creaking and crunching tru every rep.
Set 1: 35 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 45 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 3: 55 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 4: 65 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 5: 80 lb dumbbells: 7 reps [workset: unassisted reps]
Set 6: 80 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [workset: unassisted reps]
Set 7: 100 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [workset: assisted reps]
The negative component of set 7 surpised me. I felt so strong... Wasn't shaking or anything. It was very slow and controlled. I should be pressing these in a couple weeks.
Seated Dumbbell curl:
Set 1: 20 lb dumbbells: 20 reps
Set 2: 30 lb dumbbells: 10 reps
Set 3: 40s: 6 reps; 30s: 5 reps; 20s: 5 reps
Set 4: 60s: 3 reps; 40s: 3 reps; 30s: 3 reps; 20s: 5 reps
Set 5: 30 lb dumbbells: 10 reps
Session duration: 1 hr 30 mins
Stats today:
Height: 5'6"
Weight: <200 lbs
BF%: unknown
Waist: 32" [fat-cow lol...]
Quads: 26"
Chest: 42"
Shoulders: 51"
Arms: left: 17 1/4"; right: 17 3/4"
Calves: 16 1/2"
02-14-2006, 12:50 AM #176
where is the last workout?
come on bro your slacking haha
02-14-2006, 12:54 AM #177
Yea.. haven't hit the gym since friday
02-14-2006, 12:56 AM #178
those assited reps on shoulder presses, is that from the get-go or until you start slowing down?
02-14-2006, 09:23 PM #179Originally Posted by bigrob33
My training partner helps me on the postive and i exagerrate the negative
02-14-2006, 09:25 PM #180
missed sunday's workout.. tru no fault of my own.
Continued training cycle as usual:
Had a long hard weekend.. pulled a couple all-nighters at work. Getting back into a normal sleeping pattern during the week takes time. Last night i didn't sleep at all. I was up all day.. ate at 3:30 am. Napped from 4 am til 4:30 a.m. Trained at 5a.m. ... ate after.. then went to bed at 8 a.m.-12p.m. Spent the rest of the day at school. Tonight i'm going to try to be in bed by 1 a.m. at the lastest... and i'm not training tomorrow.
Tuesday 14th February 2006
Back; Shoulders; Biceps: [Back-dominant day]
5: a.m.: warm-up:
5 mins bike riding
2 sets: hyper-extensions: 10 reps each set
5:10 a.m.: Workout
Set 1: 135 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up: no straps]
Set 2: 225 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up: no straps]
Set 3: 315 lbs: 5 reps [warm-up: no straps]
Set 4: 455 lbs: 2 reps; 315 lbs: 4 reps [work-set: straps + belt]
On set 4... @455, i failed with the bar around mid-shin level while attempting rep number 3. I think 495 for 2 reps is definately possible next week. If my poundages this week (minus sleep) are any indication
Barbell Rows:
Standard execution: outside shoulder width overhand grip.. torso parallel to floor...pulling to upper abdomen. Didn't use the 6" platform today tho. I did however exaggerate the negative moreso than usual
Set 1: 135 lbs: 15 reps
Set 2: 225 lbs: 6 reps
Set 3: 225 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 185 lbs: 10 reps
Lat-machine Pulldowns:
Set 1: 145 lbs: 10 reps
Set 2: 145 lbs: 10 reps
Set 3: 145 lbs: 10 reps
Set 4: 170 lbs: 6 reps; 125 lbs: 4 reps
Set 5: 200 lbs: 4 reps; 170 lbs: 3 reps; 145 lbs: 3 reps; 125 lbs: 3 reps; 105 lbs: 3 reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press:
Set 1: 35 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 45 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 3: 55 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [warm-up]
Set 4: 80 lb dumbbells: 5 reps
Set 5: 100 lb dumbbells: 5 reps [negative-work]
Set 6: 80 lb dumbbells: 5 reps
Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curl:
Set 1: 25 lb dumbbells: 15 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 60 lb dumbbells: 4 reps; 35 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [work-set]
One-arm Dumbbell Spider Bench curls:
3 sets: 25 lb dumbbell: 10 reps each set
Session duration: 1 hr; 20 mins
02-15-2006, 01:53 AM #181
back/shoulders/bi's 4 days apart? I may have missed something where you explain your training tell me to shutup if I missed it.
02-15-2006, 02:09 AM #182
WOW is all I can say Nark, Excellent Log. Love the dedication! Nice improvements.
02-16-2006, 04:15 AM #183
My training partner has switched jobs.. His new job requires him to be there at 7-ish.. thus we are gonna have to train earlier: 3 or 4 a.m.
Today... i didn't sleep.I stayed up all night 'working'. I had meals accordingly... At 3:45 a.m. i had a pre-training snack: an apple... Now i'm ready.
The plan is.. train at 4.. finish before 6.. be asleep by 7 a.m. .. sleep til 12.. go to school at one.. repeat the cycle again tomorrow.
This weekend, as all other weekends, i'll be working the night shift... thus it's necessary that i rre-adjust my sleeping habits to make the transition smoother: making my day-time my night-time.. or something to that effect
Thursday 16th February
4:20 a.m.
Legs; Chest; Triceps
general warm-up: recumbant bike: 3 minutes
Was running a little late.. so cut that short...
bodyweight squats: 2 sets: 10 reps each set
Front Squats:
Set 1: 135 lbs: 12 reps
Set 2: 135 lbs: 10 reps
Set 3: 225 lbs: 2 reps; 135 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 185 lbs: 4 reps
Set 5: 135 lbs: 10 reps
Set 6: 135 lbs: 8 reps
Set 4 was supposed to be a drop set but.. my training partners took too long stripping the weight so aborted that dropset.
Front squats don't really give me a pump. In the last two sets i adjusted my already narrow stance.. making it narrower. In addition i kept my knees pointing foward as opposed to letting stray slightly outwards as would be 'normal'. I got a better pump here.
Seated Leg-curls:
Set 1: 50 lbs: 25 reps
Set 2: 75 lbs: 20 reps
Set 3: 100 lbs: 15 reps
Set 4: 125 lbs: 10 reps
I can't understand it... I'm not eating as much.. I'm not sleeping. and i'm getting stronger. My deadlift max is creeping back up to 495.. and my leg curl weights and reps are going up too. The reps specifically. Theorectically, if i'm tired i should fatigue earlier. But that's not happening.
Leg-press calf-raise [300 lbs] superset with smith-Machine Calf-raises [90 lbs]:
Set 1: 20 reps/ 8 reps
Set 2: 15 reps/ 8 reps
Set 3: 15 reps/ 8 reps
Quick.. and to the point: great pump.
Barbell Flat Bench:
warm-up: bare bar: 2 sets: 10 reps each set
Set 1: 225 lbs: 6 reps
Set 2: 225 lbs: 6 reps
Set 3: 225 lbs: 6 reps
I took the risk of not pyramiding up... Don't try this at home kids
Very-Close-grip Bench press:
Set 1: 115 lbs: 10 reps
Set 2: 145 lbs: 8 reps
Set 4: 195 lbs: 3 reps; 145 lbs: 3 reps; 95 lbs: 3 reps
Session Duration: 1 hr; 15 minutes
02-16-2006, 04:17 AM #184Originally Posted by chest6
Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
02-16-2006, 07:53 AM #185
how close is very close on CGBench
02-16-2006, 11:57 AM #186
Going without sleep Nark? I think it'd be more beneficial to sleep than to train leading to overtraining from the lack of rest and recovery. Best of luck.
02-16-2006, 12:07 PM #187Originally Posted by Narkissos
02-16-2006, 10:24 PM #188Originally Posted by taiboxa
Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
02-16-2006, 10:27 PM #189
that cycle is screwed up nark...
that yields 5 hours of sleep...ouch, my naps are 5 hours.
hope you dont crumble running on almost no sleep bud
02-16-2006, 10:45 PM #190Originally Posted by bigrob33
In that time i've competed a minimum of once each year... each time hitting peak condition... While still making personal bests in the gym.
If this is crumbling... i love it.
Honestly.. when i started college i made a promise to myself that i'd continue to work, and train... while studying.. regardless of the sacrifice.
That's what i'm living.
Thanks for following Rob
02-17-2006, 12:38 AM #191
Damn Nark I didn't know you were superman. I have trouble during the day with 6 or less..and I don't even have a job.
02-19-2006, 09:55 PM #192
Sunday 19th February 2006
Legs; Chest; Triceps
**Didn't note the session start-time or finish-time.. regrettably**
General warm-up: recumbant bike: 5 minutes
Barbell Squats: Narrow Stance
I used a 1/4" board under my heels... Each repetition was done ass to calves.
warm-up: bare bar: 2 sets: 10 reps each set
Set 1: 135 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 135 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
Set 3: 315 lbs: 2 reps; 225 lbs: 4 reps; 135 lbs: 6 reps [work set: dropset]
Set 4: 315 lbs: 2 reps; 225 lbs: 4 reps; 135 lbs: 6 reps [work set: dropset]
Seated leg-curls superset with Barbell Front Squats:
Set 1: 50 lbs: 20 reps/ 135 lbs: 6 reps
Set 2: 75 lbs: 20 reps/ 135 lbs: 6 reps
Set 3: 100 lbs: 20 reps/ 185 lbs: 6 reps
Calves: Giant set:
Leg-press calf-raises; Seated Calf-raises; Smith-Machine Standing Calf-raises:
Set 1: 300 lbs: 10 reps/ 50 lbs: 10 reps/ 90 lbs: 10 reps
Set 2: 390 lbs: 10 reps/ 100 lbs: 10 reps/ 90 lbs: 10 reps
Set 3: 480 lbs: 10 reps/ 100 lbs: 10 reps/ 90 lbs: 10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press:
4 sets: 45 lb dumbbells: 6 reps each set [warm-up]
Each warm-up set was followed by a 10-count bilateral pec stretch...
Set 1: 110 lb dumbbells: 5 reps ( 1 rep unassisted [PB]; 4 spots)
Set 2: 120 lb dumbbells: 5 reps (neg-work: very slow; controlled negative)
Set 3: 110 lb dumbbells: 5 reps ( 1 rep unassisted [Repeat PB]; 4 spots)
Set 4: 100 lb dumbbells: 5 reps ( 3 reps unassisted; 2 spots)
Reverse-grip Bench-press:
warm-up: bare bar: 2 sets: 10 reps each set
Set 1: 135 lbs: 10 reps
Set 2: 135 lbs: 10 reps
Set 3: 185 lbs: 2 reps; 135 lbs: 8 reps
Set 4: 135 lbs: 10 reps
Sweet session...
02-20-2006, 02:30 PM #193Banned
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what happened to 4-6 for 5 sets, 8-10 for 5 sets, 12-15 for 5 sets...done!
I love this routine and you gave it up????
Why the change? Is it more a mass routine you think?
Quick side note - if you had to chose, gatorade or skim post workout with whey, your choice?
U use dext?
02-20-2006, 02:57 PM #194Originally Posted by Lugar
From here on out i'll be in the precontest mindset til August 30th.
Originally Posted by Lugar
Originally Posted by Lugar
Originally Posted by Lugar
Thanks for following... If you've anymore questions.. holla
02-21-2006, 04:06 AM #195
Meal: 3a.m. Corned beef and pasta ..followed by a nap til 3:40 a.m.
Snack: 4 a.m. ...1 banana
Tuesday 21st February 2006
Back; Shoulders; Biceps: [back-dominant]
4:20 a.m.
General warm-up: Recumbant bike: 5 minutes
2 sets: bare bar: 10 reps each set
Set 1: 135 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 135 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
Set 3: 495 lbs: 1 rep :woot:
Set 2: 405 lbs: 4 reps
Barbell Row:
Wider-than-shoulder-width Overhand grip... Torso parallel to floor... Pulling to upper abdomen.
Set 1: 135 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 135 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
Set 3: 225 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 185 lbs: 10 reps
Lat-Machine Pulldowns:
Set 1: 145 lbs: 10 reps
Set 2: 145 lbs: 10 reps
Set 3: 145 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 145 lbs: 8 reps
General warm-up: External Rotations [w/ broomstick]: 25 reps
Dumbell Shoulder Press:
4 sets: 35 lb dumbbells: 6 reps each set [warm-up]
Set 1: 80 lb dumbbells: 5 reps [unassisted]
Set 2: 80 lb dumbbells: 5 reps [unassisted]
Set 3: 100 lb dumbbells: 4 reps [assisted]
Set 4: 80 lb dumbbells: 8 reps [past failure: 3 unassisted reps+ 5 assists]
One-arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl:
Set 1: 20 lb dumbbell: 10 reps [warm-up]
Set 2: 40 lb dumbbell: 8 reps
Set 3: 40 lb dumbbell: 8 reps
Set 4: 30 lb dumbbell: 8 reps
Session Duration: 1hr; 15 minutes
Sweet overall...
02-21-2006, 07:49 AM #196
thats a secksi lil dead u got there bub.. not bad for being sleep deprived!
02-21-2006, 08:09 AM #197
40min of sleep/night Nark? That is insane man. How do you expect to grow off of that.
02-21-2006, 09:00 AM #198Banned
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- Feb 2006
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Looks good bro, this routine gave you the most mass? How can you make any gains eating so little and sleeping even less?
02-22-2006, 12:16 AM #199
Damn, I can't beleive I haven't checked this out until now. WOW man you are a machine. I agree w/most of the other guys on here though mix in some sleep!
02-22-2006, 06:56 PM #200Originally Posted by Lugar
What do you mean by 'so little'
Originally Posted by taiboxa
Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
Honestly i'm getting like 4-5 hours per day... yea Day.
While studying my 'day' and 'nights' are reversed. I sleep mainly from 7a.m. -12 p.m. daily.
I find i can't shut down at night.. That's when i get work done best.. so i don't push the issue.
Originally Posted by madflabby
Thanks for stopping in Guys.
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First Test-E cycle in 10 years