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  1. #1
    Weekend Warrior is offline Junior Member
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    How does my chest workout look?

    flat bb bench - warm up set, 10, 6, 3, 2

    Incline db bench- 10, 8, 8, 6

    Decline bb bench- 10, 8 , 6, 4

    Machine flys- 10, 8 , 8 , 6

    I have been doing this workout for about 3months. But I have been kinda stuck with my maxes latley. Also my upper chest is really coming along nicley but lower is deff lagging. What else can I do besides the declines for this? Oh and right now im cutting so im just looking to shape up while getting a little stronger. I know cutting and getting stronger dont belong in the same sentance but I have been doing it so far

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The only thing I could see doing in this situation is maybe starting w/ decline bench instead of flat, this way your good and fresh so you can go heavier on lower chest. I may also switch to db's for everything for awhile, see if it doesnt help. What works kickass for myself is doing a slight decline db press, however turn my palms towards each other at the top of the movement to isolate the inner chest. Try a slight decline db flys instead of the machine for awhile too. I like to superset flys w/ pushups too, gets me a good pump. It's a tough call since your cutting, basically all you can do is try to maintain the strength you have while losing excess bodyfat.

  3. #3
    Weekend Warrior is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    The only thing I could see doing in this situation is maybe starting w/ decline bench instead of flat, this way your good and fresh so you can go heavier on lower chest. I may also switch to db's for everything for awhile, see if it doesnt help. What works kickass for myself is doing a slight decline db press, however turn my palms towards each other at the top of the movement to isolate the inner chest. Try a slight decline db flys instead of the machine for awhile too. I like to superset flys w/ pushups too, gets me a good pump. It's a tough call since your cutting, basically all you can do is try to maintain the strength you have while losing excess bodyfat.
    lol its funny I was thinking along the same lines. Today was my chest day and I did decline first and I could rep out 235 where I would normaly strugle to get it a couple times after my flat and inclines. I went down a couple reps on my flat but hey my lower chest is the problem right. I also thought about doing db for my fly and switching up to some db more often. Next chest workout I will see how it works out thanks alot for the help bro

  4. #4
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    I myself dont like that fly machine as much as db's, it's just too easy for me to want to use my shoulders on it. Try decline fly's full range of motion. The highest weight I'll normally use on them are 50's and it's brought my chest up like crazy. I imagine low incline fly/dips would be a great superset, I'll have to try it this week

  5. #5
    Flexor is offline Banned
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    Like everyone you are overworking your chest even though it is a small muscle. Its about quality not quantity. If you upped your intensity you wouldn't be needing 16 sets...

    You may not have heard of dips, because they are the best exercise you can do for the lower pec. Decline is pathetic in comparison

  6. #6
    Weekend Warrior is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah I have no idea what dips are or how to do them. If you care to explain I would really appreciate it

  7. #7
    Flexor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weekend Warrior
    Yeah I have no idea what dips are or how to do them. If you care to explain I would really appreciate it

    Like this, except if you want to target the chest, you have your elbows away from your body not tucked in and you lean forward more instead of being totally upright.

  8. #8
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    4,540 of my favorite mass builders for pecs.

    Flat bench,incline,dips then stretch the muscle out completely and you're done!


  9. #9
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Flexor
    Decline is pathetic in comparison
    Bro...I see eye to eye with you on all your training philosophies!!Quite refreshing to see someone share the same ideals.


  10. #10
    Weekend Warrior is offline Junior Member
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    Well I broke my scafoid bone in my wrist and had to have sugery and im still having some probs with that. But I will give it a shot and see how it feels

  11. #11
    Flexor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Bro...I see eye to eye with you on all your training philosophies!!Quite refreshing to see someone share the same ideals.

    That's because we are da shit

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