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Thread: Plateaus

  1. #1
    NewlyDesigned is offline Junior Member
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    Well Ive been working out for about 6 months and ive seemed to have reached a small plateau. Ive been happy with strength and size gains so far but they seem to have slowed for the past couple weeks. I was Wondering what you guys think would be the best way to continue gaining and get over this plateau. Ive heard many things from increasing reps to changing exercises to even taking a couple of weeks off and i was wondering what you guys thought was the best way to get over it. Thansk a lot.

    EDIT- Dont know much about making a split, should really read up more on here but this is one i made that i feel suits me.

    Day 1 Chest/Tris Sets Reps per Set

    -Flat Bench 4 12-10-8-6
    -Incline Bench 3 12-10-8
    -Decline Bench 3 12-10-8
    -Flys 3 12-10-8
    -Close Grip Bench 3 12-10-8
    -Push Downs 4 12-10-8-6

    Day 2 Back/Bis Sets Reps per Set

    -Seated Cable Row 3 12-10-8
    -Seated High Row 3 12-10-8
    -Dead Lift 4 12-10-10-8
    -Pull Ups 4 12-10-10-8
    -Seated Incline DB Curls 3 12-10-8
    -Standing Barbell Curls 3 12-10-8
    -Hammer Curls 3 12-10-8

    Day 3 Shoulders/Abs Sets Reps per Set

    -Shoulder Press 4 12-10-8-6
    -Arnold Press 3 12-10-8
    -Lateral Extensions 3 12-10-8
    -Shrugs 3 12-10-8
    -Incline Crunches 4 To Failure
    -Incline Twisting Crunch 4 To Failure
    -Incline Leg-Hip Raise 4 To Failure
    -Side Bends 4 To Failure

    Day 4 Legs/Forearm Sets Reps per Set

    -Squats 5 15-12-10-8-6
    -Leg Extensions 3 12-10-8
    -Seated Leg Curl 4 15-12-10-8
    -Stand Calf Extension 4 15-20 for Each (Failure)
    -Reverse Forearm Curls 3 12-10-8
    -Wrist Curl 3 Failure
    -Reverse Wrist Curl 3 Failure
    Last edited by NewlyDesigned; 02-01-2006 at 07:26 PM.

  2. #2
    ryamigo's Avatar
    ryamigo is offline Junior Member
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    first i'd say no more than 3 exercises at 3 sets, 8-10 reps for major body parts (chest, back, legs)

    give that a shot and see what happens

  3. #3
    musselman's Avatar
    musselman is offline Junior Member
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    Just make sure you don't repeat the same workout week in, week out... use supersets, pre-exhaustion, pyramiding up, pyramiding down, HIT training and the works to ensure that you are doing something different every week...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I would not do your forearms with your legs...if you want to do forearms do them with back and biceps, that is the perfect day to work them.

    What about day 5, 6 and 7? In other words, what days do you rest...more info??

  5. #5
    NewlyDesigned is offline Junior Member
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    Well its just i usually finish up with legs quicker then most of my exercises so i threw in forearms there, i really had no where else to put them since I do a lot of exercises each day. Ill try to put them in with back and bis tho since that is logical. Also the max rest between workout days i have is 1 day. So i may do chest and tris, rest, then back and bis the next day, shoulders and abs the next day, rest and then legs. More information would be great. Ill look up that HIT stuff tomarrow since i havent heard of it and ill be sure to try pyramiding down, maybe thatll shock my muscles.

    MORE opinions would be great, keep em coming guys. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Well, I think that 2 days on and 1 day off is best for bodybuilding. The bottom line is that you are doing too much.

  7. #7
    TADOLFI's Avatar
    TADOLFI is offline Member
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    I agree with the move on the forearms (and only do two exercises) and then maybe you could do shoulders, abs and legs together.

    How long are you in the gym with a workout like this each day?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    ^^^Do shoulders abs and legs together if you are trying to loose weight.^^^

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    doing things such as negatives, supersets, timed sets, and mixing up your routine are good ways to get through a plateau

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunTotingHipGangster
    doing things such as negatives, supersets, timed sets, and mixing up your routine are good ways to get through a plateau
    That is good advice, just make sure to use those techniques in moderation. You are already doing too much and I can see you doing supersets, drop sets and forced reps on everything which is going to make things even worse. This is exactly what I used to do. I would do like 20 sets for chest and every set would be taken like 2 reps beyond failure. I would push my muscles so far beyond failure thinking it would make them grow, but I was just overtraining. Now, I will rarely go past failure. Also, something that is interesting to me is that I made my best strength gains when I was forced to train without a training partner...the reason, I had nobody to give me forced reps...I never went past failure! Again, the techniques he made are good, just dont overdo them.
    Last edited by catabolic kid; 02-01-2006 at 10:44 PM.

  11. #11
    NewlyDesigned is offline Junior Member
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    Ya you may be right, I may be training a bit too long. Each one of my workouts usually takes 2 and a half hours with 45 cardio. Ill try to cut it down some tho and see if that helps and also maybe try to mix it up a bit and see if it helps. Thanks.

    Even more opinions are welcomed and appreciated, Thanks.

  12. #12
    Canadiantiger's Avatar
    Canadiantiger is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    Well, I think that 2 days on and 1 day off is best for bodybuilding. The bottom line is that you are doing too much.

    I agree IMO I believe you only need 8-9 sets for chest. They are a small muscle group. The other things I notice are that tri's and bi's if worked with back or chest are alredy preexhausted so only need maybe 4 intense sets to polish them off. I would go with what catabolic kid suggests I agree with him completely.

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