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  1. #1
    david beads is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2005

    Help with chest routine!!

    I need some help on how to build my chest up especially in the middle. I usually do flat bench,incline bench,incline dumbells,flat flys, and crossover from the bottom up or peck deck. Please help if u have any ideas My workout routine is chest mon,back tues,arms weds,thurs off,shoulders fri,legs sat. abs every other day. Also let me know if im overtraining any body parts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by david beads
    I need some help on how to build my chest up especially in the middle. I usually do flat bench,incline bench,incline dumbells,flat flys, and crossover from the bottom up or peck deck. Please help if u have any ideas My workout routine is chest mon,back tues,arms weds,thurs off,shoulders fri,legs sat. abs every other day. Also let me know if im overtraining any body parts
    Do 2 compound exercises and one iso exercise for chest and that is all you need. Read as much as you can...there is so much to learn about weight training. Also, I couldnt tell you if you are overtraining other muscles without knowing what you do for them. I can say that you should do triceps with chest and biceps with back instead of working your arms after doing chest and back on the previous workout days.

  3. #3
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    Lake of Fire
    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    Do 2 compound exercises and one iso exercise for chest and that is all you need. Read as much as you can...there is so much to learn about weight training. Also, I couldnt tell you if you are overtraining other muscles without knowing what you do for them. I can say that you should do triceps with chest and biceps with back instead of working your arms after doing chest and back on the previous workout days.
    agreed. I would only do flat bench, incline bench, and an iso such as fly's. I personally can't do flies so i do cable crossovers.

    Do bi's and back together, and tri's and chest together.

  4. #4
    david beads is offline Junior Member
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    So all I need to do for each body part is 3 excercises, how many sets? So if I do chest and tris monday how would the rest of my routine look?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by david beads
    So all I need to do for each body part is 3 excercises, how many sets? So if I do chest and tris monday how would the rest of my routine look?
    Back and Bi's - Tuesday

    OFF - Wednesday

    Shoulders and Traps - Thursday

    Legs - Friday

    OFF - Saturday, Sunday

  6. #6
    Juicy Sauce's Avatar
    Juicy Sauce is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    Back and Bi's - Tuesday

    OFF - Wednesday

    Shoulders and Traps - Thursday

    Legs - Friday

    OFF - Saturday, Sunday
    thats the split i do, but i do.
    mon- shoulders, traps
    tue- back, bi
    wed- off
    thurs- legs
    fri- chest, tri
    sat, sun- off

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicy Sauce
    thats the split i do, but i do.
    mon- shoulders, traps
    tue- back, bi
    wed- off
    thurs- legs
    fri- chest, tri
    sat, sun- off
    It is a great split. You do traps on Monday and then back the next day...I am sure that it works for you, but I would not like to do rowing movements (which involve traps) the day after I directly hit my traps. Does that bother you??? Do you have a particular reason for this split as opposed to the one I do, just curious?

  8. #8
    Juicy Sauce's Avatar
    Juicy Sauce is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    It is a great split. You do traps on Monday and then back the next day...I am sure that it works for you, but I would not like to do rowing movements (which involve traps) the day after I directly hit my traps. Does that bother you??? Do you have a particular reason for this split as opposed to the one I do, just curious?
    3 reasons. i dont do legs on friday because i need to walk on the weekend. also i dont do a lot for my traps now so it doesnt interfere with back day. also i need the weekend off after i do chest.

    your split looks nice too tho.

  9. #9
    david beads is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2005
    Thanx bros, one more question so three excercises for each body part no more?? I want to put on size whats the best number of sets and reps per body part??

  10. #10
    Juicy Sauce's Avatar
    Juicy Sauce is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by david beads
    Thanx bros, one more question so three excercises for each body part no more?? I want to put on size whats the best number of sets and reps per body part??
    3 or 4 sets per body part. depends how that body part feels that day for me.
    reps, well that depends on the body part. 12-15 for legs, 10-12 chest and back, 6-10 for small parts

  11. #11
    david beads is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2005
    thanx Juicy, what about excercises is it correct that I shouldn't do more than 3 per bodypart?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    If you are doing more volume and less intensity you can do 4 exercises per bodypart...we just said three to keep you form overtraining. Once you become more ecperienced you will know how to gague yourself.

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