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  1. #1
    mattyjam is offline New Member
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    Any pro's want to help me out?

    I'm looking for some advice on a training/diet and maybe a stack to help improve myself. I've been researching allot but I'm still kinda unsure of what to do. Let me give you the background first so you know where I'm coming from.

    I'm still a newbie and I've been lifting for almost a year with a giant but.
    I had a tumor that was removed from my back and side almost a year ago. After treatment I weighed 160lbs and at 6'3 thats very thin. I was left with an unusual fluid build up that gave my lower abs a fatty look. Now it looks like I have like 5lbs under my belly button in an 8"x8" area that looks really gross. When I was being treated I had it drianed once a week. Now it seems like fat has relocated there.

    I have been working out like crazy, abs, diet, and nothing will get rid of it. I got up to 180 but eating can be hard. I actually was prescribed a steroid a year ago that helped but I forget what exactly it was I think it's methyltestosterone .

    I can't drink milk or anything that contains beef due to an allergic reaction.
    So here is what I've been thinking about doing for the last few weeks.
    Diet alot of protein drinks to bring the calories up to 2200.
    I work each muscle twice a week with 3 exercises @ 10 reps. Abs 4 times a week.
    Then the stack I'm thinking of is
    anabol for weeks 1-6
    dianabol for weeks 1-4
    Then an anti-estrogen(recommendations please) weeks 6-9

    I really would like any help you guys would like to offer. I'm not even looking to get huge although I'd love to, I really just want to get rid of the unsightly side effects from my treatment. I'm thinking of a short cycle because I'm not really fit enough to take full advantage and I find eating enough really hard. It's part psychological and part from medicines.

    I could get the same script again does that sound like something worth using? I'm not even 100% thats what it was called it was just supposed to make me gain weight quick.

    Thnaks in advance and hope to talk to you all soon.

  2. #2
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    abs four times a week is overkill. They are muscles like everything else. You cannot spot reduce. You also would not bench 4 days a week. Do not do gear yet. It would be counter productive. Do exercises to failure. don't limit yourself.
    Try to limit protein shake protein. Eat real food like chicken breast. Not fried, baked. Cardio should be your friend when cutting. Maybe ECY. I take it sides aren't bad. If you can't eat and train properly gear will make things worse.

  3. #3
    primetime1's Avatar
    primetime1 is offline Member
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    you should just keep reading and learing about diet, put something for your daily intake and do the macrosto be see what your p/c/f kcal intake is, if you want to bulk and get rid of that ab fat it will be hard to do but it all comes down to diet/cardio/training as stated above aas will do nothing for yo uat this point.. youve only been trainin a year so keep at it, gains will come but be patient and get your trainin splits togther, there are stickys in here that explain it all. check out the diet forums for dieting regimins.
    good luck

  4. #4
    mattyjam is offline New Member
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    The only reason I'm doing abs more is because of the way it looks.

    Thanks though I could do more BBQ chicken breast I guess. Fatty foods are hard for me so it wont be friend chciken.
    Also does that amount of calories sound good? 2200?

    Wont the ECY stack make me lose weight? I kinda want to gain weight. I can lose weight really easly just not in this one area, thats why I want to work out there more and maybe try enhancments.
    Last edited by mattyjam; 03-04-2006 at 05:56 PM.

  5. #5
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    If you are trying to bulk 2200 is not nearly enough. I am on 2400+ and I am cutting. I eat so much chicken, It makes me sick and the ECY makes me not want to eat so I force feed myself every two hours. Train abs 2 times a week at most IMO. any more is overtraining. No gear though. I have been natty for 4 yrs and just about ready to start gear. Patience is a virture. If you want to bulk try around 4-5K cals. Read sticky like Prime said.

  6. #6
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    martymcfly said it all! i agree with everything he said

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