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Thread: Help With Tri's

  1. #1
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Help With Tri's

    Just recenlty my elbow was been killing me, the best guess is tendonitis, and that pisses me off really bad...For the most part it has been fine, but when I go to do Ez bar laying Crushers look out, it not only hurts my elbow but my arm in general...Ok but after i stopped that exercise I went and did v-bar pulldowns with no probelms...What gives? My question here is I need some good tri moves that I can do without effecting my elbow, I can't just not train my tri's I'm to mentally unstable, haha...What can I do to really hammer my tri's and build em without hurting myself?? Im skeptical of doing all my tri's on the cables becaue IMO mass and your working sets should be done with free weights, I've always been a believer of that and a believer in the cables for finishing and burning out whatever group your doing...SOme help would be awsome, also guesses as to what is wrong with me would be helpful too.

  2. #2
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Close grip bench, dips/weighted dips

  3. #3
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Bro first off if you beleive that in order for your tris to get added size you need free weights your in trouble already .You can blast the crapp outa your tris with all kinds of movements besides just useing free weights .There are alot of powerlifters who train chest so freaking hard they only use press downs and such for tris .Yes its true free weights are on top of the weightlifting food chain but remeber your muscle has no idea if your useing a BB Or cable it only know that its geting taxed .It would be foolish to continue with an exercise if its hurting you so what I would do is start training my tris on bench day if your not already and use supersets drop sets or what ever after chest work and this should take the place of having to use crushers that hurt and is most likely messing with your gains ...I know its hard to give up and exercise you like or that you might have seen results with but its better in the long run to adjust than contiune with something that hurting you good luck bro ..AC

  4. #4
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    Also, take a look at your form. It could be that your elbows are flaring out or maybe you just aren't warmed up enough. A lot of times I start with press downs just to get the blood flowing so my tendons don't hurt...


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Also, take a look at your form. It could be that your elbows are flaring out or maybe you just aren't warmed up enough. A lot of times I start with press downs just to get the blood flowing so my tendons don't hurt...

    ya form for sure, and yeah get that blood flowing, always helps

  6. #6
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    In the past when I didn't warm up properly in my left elbow, there would be the craziest snapping and pops, didn't really hurt but it gets your attention.
    After I started a thorough warm up, the popping went away and everything was gravy.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    In the past when I didn't warm up properly in my left elbow, there would be the craziest snapping and pops, didn't really hurt but it gets your attention.
    After I started a thorough warm up, the popping went away and everything was gravy.

    whoa same here man, thats why its always good to warm up!

  8. #8
    Steve80's Avatar
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    Like the others guys said CGBP is great. Also try behind the head DB extensions. Reversed pushups are one of my favorites. Put your feet on one bench your hands on another with a weight plate in your lap and do pushups works great.

  9. #9
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    It just bugs me that I have anything holding me back you know??? Alot of times the thing holding people back is desire and motivation, especially my age, but I'm willing to change my diet make the commitment etc...So its annoying that its an injury hindering me at all!!! I don't really have a preference for exercises even though it seems like it, I just want a good tricep routine, something that will build size and really finish em off!!! However that may be...

  10. #10
    Steve80's Avatar
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    Personally I dont do skull crushers, they hurt my eldows, so do the hammer strength tri machines. You dont need those exercises, different bodies can handle different things just use a diif exercise.

    I like these

    Reversed push ups
    Tricep pulldowns
    DB extensions
    Close grip push ups

    thats plenty of exercises, dont need anymore than that.

  11. #11
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    I think for my next tri day I'm gonna go with this, CGBP to start, so go heavy for my first exercise...4 sets 12-8/6 reps...Overhead Dumbbell Extensions (two handed) 4 sets...Then my choice of a pull down V Bar, Ropes, Straightbar etc...4 sets once a again, keeping the reps high on that last move just to finish...

  12. #12
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    Close grip bench, dips/weighted dips

    Ain't nothin better IMO.

  13. #13
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    I have trouble Hitting my tri's when I dip though for some reason, I always hit my chest, I think I'm letting my upper body get to far in from of me and my elbows to far out

  14. #14
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    I have trouble Hitting my tri's when I dip though for some reason, I always hit my chest, I think I'm letting my upper body get to far in from of me and my elbows to far out

    Get on parallel bars and lean back as far as you can so you are as vertical as possible and let your legs hang straight down and do not cross them.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    I have trouble Hitting my tri's when I dip though for some reason, I always hit my chest, I think I'm letting my upper body get to far in from of me and my elbows to far out
    focus on keeping your elbows at your sides and your body perpindicular to the floor

    elbow problems with skull crushers is probably the most common lifting injury, that i know of anyways. when ever my elbow gives me pain that i can not work through i alternate skulls with cgbp or reverse grip bp.

  16. #16
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    I don't really care what moves get me the size for become apart of my tri day, just as long as a get a good pump and effective results, thats all I look for...

  17. #17
    resonator's Avatar
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    "but when I go to do Ez bar laying Crushers look out, it not only hurts my elbow but my arm in general"

    Try crushers on a decline bench with dumbbells, palms facing your body and turn them outwards at the top. This will ease tension on your elbows.

  18. #18
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    I don't really care what moves get me the size for become apart of my tri day, just as long as a get a good pump and effective results, thats all I look for...
    Isn't this a contradiction?

  19. #19
    suckysucky's Avatar
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    kick backs are the $hit

  20. #20
    Venum's Avatar
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    how many sets of tri's does everyone usually do? i do tri's on a seperate day not on chest day

  21. #21
    boondockSAINT's Avatar
    boondockSAINT is offline Associate Member
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    CGBP's and CG 4-board or lockouts. Will really thicken those tri's up.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by suckysucky
    kick backs are the $hit
    i disagree

    Quote Originally Posted by Venum
    how many sets of tri's does everyone usually do? i do tri's on a seperate day not on chest day
    9 sets...i too work tri's on a seperate day from back

  23. #23
    MFT81's Avatar
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    after years of hearing how great french press (Skull crushers) is a after years of dealing with elbow pain despite form I quit doing them. I still have trouble with my tri's but there are a lot of great tricep exercises to pick from

    My favs are smith machine CGB and bench dips with 45's on my lap.

    Im proud to say I dont do french press and neither does victor martinez.

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