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  1. #1
    SuperLift's Avatar
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    Please critique my workouts

    Hey guys im 19 and have been training for around a year. I just started bulking a week ago. Im 6'2 and 185 lbs so as you can tell im not far along in the process. I want to get up to around 215-220 all natural. Here is my workout for the week.

    Monday: Chest
    4 sets of 10-12 reps doing dumbbell bench press
    4 sets of 10-15 reps on the Pec Deck Butterfly Machine
    4 sets of 10-12 reps of dumbbell incline press
    4 sets of 10-12 reps on decline bench
    burnout on chest machine, ill start at 120lbs and go till failure then drop it down to 80 till 40.

    Tuesday: Back
    4 sets of 10-12 reps on seated row
    4 sets of 10-12 reps on lat pull down
    4 sets of 10-12 reps doing dumbbell row
    4 sets of 10-12 reps of shrugs
    4 sets of 10-12 reps on lower back machine
    burnout on seated row set of 100 (forced to stop once or twice)

    Wednesday: Sholders
    4 sets of 10-12 reps of seated barbbell military press
    4 sets of 10-12 reps of dumbbell extended frontal raises
    4 sets of 10-12 reps of shoulder lat raises
    4 sets of 10-12 reps of barbbell frontal raises
    burnout is pretty much the same as the chest one only on a millitary press machine instead.

    Thursday: Legs
    4 sets of 10-12 reps on the seated leg extension machine
    4 sets of 10-12 reps doing calf raises
    4 sets of 10-12 reps doing machine squats
    4 sets of 10-12 reps hamstring curl
    burnout on leg extensions

    Friday: Arms
    4 sets of 10-12 reps on a preacher curl machine
    4 sets of 10-12 reps of seated dumbbell curls
    4 sets of 10-12 reps standing barbell curls
    4 sets of 10-12 reps seated dumbbell hammer curls
    burnout i do 100 standing dumbbell curls

    Saturday: Cardio
    I ride the bike for 25-30 mins on saturday for my cardio. i know its not much.

    Sunday: REST

    I do 2 sets of curls and 2 sets of abs after every workout. Alright well i know its sloppy but please critique my W/O.

  2. #2
    SuperLift's Avatar
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    oops i forgot tricep, i do triceps right after the bicep workout and it is.....

    4 sets of 10-12 reps tricep extensions
    4 sets of 10-12 reps skull crushers
    4 sets of 10-12 reps overhead dumbbell press
    4 sets of 10-12 reps of tricep extensions leaning on a bench

  3. #3
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    The way you're going, you're gonna overtrain yourself!!

    If you going for natural LBM gain,

    1. do a 4 day split MAX IMHO (perhaps chest+tri, Back+ab,Shoulder+bi, Legs)
    2. OR go for EOD workouts (7 sessions every 2 wks).. if you take #1 , then Mon/Tue sessions can go back-to-back but next two will be thur and days Wed, Fri, Sun or something like that)
    3. Don't go till failure EVERY TIME!!! DO it once in a while to shake things up but dont over exhaust your mind-muscle connection.
    4.Either drop cardio all together OR do it 3X a week .... once a week is not going to benefit you and a waste of time and energy!
    5. Too many sets for bis and tris, cut it down...working out chest and back stimulates them as well
    6. Lower your rep range to 6-10 and go for high intensity to help pack on the mass! Or Atleast, alter your rep ranges every week or 2 to stop your muscles from getting stubborn/complacent

    Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 08-23-2006 at 02:54 AM.

  4. #4
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    I agree with InsaneInTheMembrane that you are walking the road to over training. You are doing too many sets for chest, shoulders, bi's, and tri's. You need more hamstring and calf work and forget machine squats, get a barbell and squat young man. The squat is one of the best movements for gaining mass. Also, switch Wed shoulders with Thur legs days, so that you have more rest from your chest workout. Shoulders get plenty of work when doing chest. Finally forget doing 2 sets of curls and abs everyday. Train your abs hard like everything else and give them rest.

  5. #5
    SuperLift's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane

    The way you're going, you're gonna overtrain yourself!!

    If you going for natural LBM gain,

    1. do a 4 day split MAX IMHO (perhaps chest+tri, Back+ab,Shoulder+bi, Legs)
    2. OR go for EOD workouts (7 sessions every 2 wks).. if you take #1 , then Mon/Tue sessions can go back-to-back but next two will be thur and days Wed, Fri, Sun or something like that)
    3. Don't go till failure EVERY TIME!!! DO it once in a while to shake things up but dont over exhaust your mind-muscle connection.
    4.Either drop cardio all together OR do it 3X a week .... once a week is not going to benefit you and a waste of time and energy!
    5. Too many sets for bis and tris, cut it down...working out chest and back stimulates them as well
    6. Lower your rep range to 6-10 and go for high intensity to help pack on the mass! Or Atleast, alter your rep ranges every week or 2 to stop your muscles from getting stubborn/complacent

    wow thanks for all the info guys, looks like i need to make some changes.
    I revised so i only do 3 sets per movement for Bi and Tri. I also lowered the reps from 10-12 to 6-10 (higher weight). i like your #1 and think im going to give it a shot. i have never tried something like that. so here it is in a shorter version.

    monday CHEST+TRI 4x6-10 reps for chest, 3x6-10 for tri

    tuesday BACK+ABS 4x6-10 for back

    wednesday REST

    thursday SHOULDER+BI 4x6-10 for shoulders and 3x6-10 for bi

    friday REST

    saturday LEGS 4x6-10 for legs

    sunday REST

    How does it look from there?

    Im going to continue to do my set of abs and curls everyday at the end of my w/o.

  6. #6
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperLift
    wow thanks for all the info guys, looks like i need to make some changes.
    I revised so i only do 3 sets per movement for Bi and Tri. I also lowered the reps from 10-12 to 6-10 (higher weight). i like your #1 and think im going to give it a shot. i have never tried something like that. so here it is in a shorter version.

    monday CHEST+TRI 4x6-10 reps for chest, 3x6-10 for tri

    tuesday BACK+ABS 4x6-10 for back

    wednesday REST

    thursday SHOULDER+BI 4x6-10 for shoulders and 3x6-10 for bi

    friday REST

    saturday LEGS 4x6-10 for legs

    sunday REST

    How does it look from there?

    Im going to continue to do my set of abs and curls everyday at the end of my w/o.
    I am confused by your routines... LEGS 4 x 6-10..what does this mean: 4 sets of 6-10 reps or 4 exercises of 4 sets each AND 6-10 reps each set??? If the latter is the case, then you're good to go BUT pick exercises that stimulat all areas of each group..for example, chest... 1 basic movement (Bench Press), 1 Decline, 1 Incline and 1 Fly or for shoulder; 1 Basic (Military Press) 1 lateral movement and 1 rear movement

    also, for the smaller muscle can also go between 8-12 reps


  7. #7
    SuperLift's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    I am confused by your routines... LEGS 4 x 6-10..what does this mean: 4 sets of 6-10 reps or 4 exercises of 4 sets each AND 6-10 reps each set??? If the latter is the case, then you're good to go BUT pick exercises that stimulat all areas of each group..for example, chest... 1 basic movement (Bench Press), 1 Decline, 1 Incline and 1 Fly or for shoulder; 1 Basic (Military Press) 1 lateral movement and 1 rear movement

    also, for the smaller muscle can also go between 8-12 reps

    Oh my bad. Im doing 4 movements and 4 sets of 6-10 reps for legs. I also just ordered some CEE creatine and amino acids. Hopefully the creatine will work well. (this is going to be my first time to use it) Any tips?

  8. #8
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperLift
    Oh my bad. Im doing 4 movements and 4 sets of 6-10 reps for legs. I also just ordered some CEE creatine and amino acids. Hopefully the creatine will work well. (this is going to be my first time to use it) Any tips?

    yeah, dont expect miracles with creatine. You may be surprised to know, creatine doesnt work for everyone.... It worked great for a friend of mine, allowing him to crank 1-2 extra reps each set but for me, it did nuthing...just bloated me up..also, IMHO, creatine is useless unless u plan to go high intensity because it starts working for the last 1-2 reps.

  9. #9
    SuperLift's Avatar
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    Well i hope it works for me Thanks for the info

  10. #10
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    toys for twats truck
    put bi's on back day and abs on shoulder day.

    funny thing, once i stopped training arms all together, and just did one or two sets after my chest or back, my arms swelled up nicely. arms are usually over-trained imo.

  11. #11
    wrestler8706 is offline New Member
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    What do you think am i overtraining, please help. After each workout I do one or two sets of one set of a hundred for that body part light weight.

    SHOULDERS- 4 sets of 10
    *Bar Front standing
    *Bar Back Standing
    *Dumbells Standing

    BICEPS- 4 sets of 10
    Bar standing
    Preacher Bench
    Standing Dumbells

    DIPS- 10 sets of 20
    Seated Dips

    TRAPS 6 sets of 10
    Standing Rows Bar In
    Standing Rows Bar Out

    HEAVY LEG DAY 4 sets of 10
    Inner Thigh Machine
    Chair against the wall for 45sec

    LIGHT LEG DAY 1 set of 100
    Inner Thigh Machine
    Chair against the wall for 45sec

    LEG DAY 3 6 sets of 10
    Front Squats
    Calfs with Dumbells

    BACK 4 sets of 10 ( I bend over with a bar and bring it to my chest and pintch my back)
    Back Bar Close grip
    Back Bar Close grip Reverse
    back Bar Wide grip
    Back Bar Wide grip Reverse

    Chest 4 sets of 10
    Incline Bench Dumbells
    Flat Bench Dumbells
    Decling Bench Dumbells
    Incline Bar - 1 set of 50
    Flat Bar - 1 set of 50
    Lat pull down close grip
    Lat pull down wide grip
    Lat pull down Close grip reverse
    Lat pull down Wide grip reverse

    I do two upper bodys and one Leg day and then rest a day, then reapeat. I am 6 2 and weight is 230 pounds. I wrestle for college i am very strong but you can always be stronger. I have 15% body fat and am also looking to really define myself. i eat healthy but have no diet.

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