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  1. #1
    doittoit's Avatar
    doittoit is offline Associate Member
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    I**, any others on HIT?

    As I get bigger/stronger my routine seems to constantly change and I am starting to need more recovery. I started on a 5 day split, currently on a 4day, thinking about a EOD routine. Basically I would keep the 4 training days but it would be stretched to 8 days instead of 7. The one thing I'm worried about is too much recocery. I wanna keep size gains to a maximum, strength is secondary even though I would like to start pulling/sqauting some good #'s. Anyways this is how it would go down:

    (area of focus legs/back, deads/squats main exercises)

    Fri-Legs(mainly Quads)

    I feel this program would leave me fully rested for legs and I could also emphasize ham development on another day and still recover. any thoughts?

  2. #2
    svarturer is offline Senior Member
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    I would take a look @ iron mans hit program in the workout sticky.....

  3. #3
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    I like it except for the bi's 2days before back.. I actually did an EOD routine about a year ago with great results.. now I'm currently doing 1day on, 2days off.. Too much recovery? If you're diet is on track and you're getting enough sleep you won't start having muscle atrophy within a few days, it will do much more good than harm. The key to the HIT program many people mess up on is the training intensity, they don't understand the concept of intense training and/or couldn't handle it.. No way of really explaining it except you have to enjoy putting yourself through extreme pain each and every workout.

    There are many HIT programs out there and they are all similar..
    John Little
    and more.. just gotta read about them all and then see what best suits you and then try it.. if one doesn't work so well then try another until you find which one gives the best gains although this could take a couple years to do

  4. #4
    svarturer is offline Senior Member
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    Last edited by svarturer; 09-05-2011 at 11:20 AM.

  5. #5
    doittoit's Avatar
    doittoit is offline Associate Member
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    ya i should prolly do a bit of bis maybe on back day instead.....ya i think ill try this split for awhile couldn't hurt....don't worry i've got the intesnity part covered!

  6. #6
    Muscle_4_Hire is offline Associate Member
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    You are doing a 3 day split by the way... just thought that was funny. Anyway, I use HIT M/W/F as well... works out okay, its just that Monday I do a really intense workout and I find that I can't get my CNS to recover fast enough... as in, I don't have much anger/motivation to lift Wed.... so I've been doing Mon. and Fri. until I can get more info in my head as how to do 3 days better.

    I find myself every other week taking caffeine/ephedrine stack to keep up with the intensity of the workout. For instance, I will do Chest, Back, Delts, Biceps on Mon (I'm natural right now too.) So, I 'll do inc. DB presses for 3 sets (Ironman's), then HEAVY deadlifts, and as I'm gassing out, I pull 3 sets of military presses out of my ass, and then I usually only get to Bi's or Tri's.

    My Split =
    Mon: Chest, Back, Delts, Biceps
    Wed: Quads, Hams, Abs, Forearms
    Fri: Chest, Back, Biceps, Triceps

  7. #7
    doittoit's Avatar
    doittoit is offline Associate Member
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    ya thats the thing about the 3 day split, its hard to fit in all the heavy compound movements that i like, and get in enough volume for each muscle. I couldn't do military, incline, deads, iwould be toast. I would also feel that im cheating myself on the muscle that comes last. Well i'll see how this plays out, live and learn!

  8. #8
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle_4_Hire
    You are doing a 3 day split by the way... just thought that was funny. Anyway, I use HIT M/W/F as well... works out okay, its just that Monday I do a really intense workout and I find that I can't get my CNS to recover fast enough... as in, I don't have much anger/motivation to lift Wed.... so I've been doing Mon. and Fri. until I can get more info in my head as how to do 3 days better.

    I find myself every other week taking caffeine/ephedrine stack to keep up with the intensity of the workout. For instance, I will do Chest, Back, Delts, Biceps on Mon (I'm natural right now too.) So, I 'll do inc. DB presses for 3 sets (Ironman's), then HEAVY deadlifts, and as I'm gassing out, I pull 3 sets of military presses out of my ass, and then I usually only get to Bi's or Tri's.

    My Split =
    Mon: Chest, Back, Delts, Biceps
    Wed: Quads, Hams, Abs, Forearms
    Fri: Chest, Back, Biceps, Triceps
    That's great bro! It means you are one of few that goes by what you body is telling you, good for you.. If you train a true HIT program on Monday, I'd honestly say very few people could workout on Wednesday with the same intensity.. therefore I go for Thursday, Somtimes Friday! It just depends on how I feel.. Sometimes I'll take a week off for the hell of it because my body tells me I need to, and guess what when I return I am much stronger and beat Every lift by atleast 1rep..
    good to see someone is on the same page with their instincts rather than just looking at a program and saying, yep I gotta go train my schedule says so.

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