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  1. #1
    SurfJunkie's Avatar
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    Overall Health Improvement

    I was wondering if a few folks could post up a list of good excersizes to increase ovarall body strength and stamina increases. While I do plan on building some serious muscle, I really need to get into very good shape before I start worrying about getting huge. In my line of work cardio and muscle endurance are essential and I'm looking to increase them as much as possible. If anyone has any pointers or suggested excersizes I would greatly appreciate them. My current workout schedule looks something like this...

    Early morning PT. Usually consisting of a 4 mile run or more. Plus pyramid style excersizes like pushups, pull ups, sit ups, crunches and some other random military bs excersizes and stretches.

    Day one
    Chest and tris. I don't have a set list of excesizes. Usually decline bench, decline dumbell press, incline dumbell press, close hand bench, tri pull downs, fly's or crossover flys with the cable machine, skull crushers and whatever else comes to mind while I'm there. Finish up with a short run on the treadmill.

    Day 2
    Legs. Squats, leg press, leg extension, a few random leg machines and some calf raises then run for about 2 miles on the treadmill.

    Day 3.

    Day 4
    Back and bi's. Pull ups, lat pull downs, rows, some deadlifts but they always kill my lower back (probably due to improper form, I'm not sure) Then cardio workout.

    Day 5
    Shoulders and abs. Military press, shrugs, dumbell stuff. Then weighted decline sit ups, charles mansons (as we call them in the army, you hold your feet up with your legs crossed, cross your arms in front of your chest and rock back and forth touching your elbows to your knees) flutter kicks, a couple of the ab machines.

    Day 6

    I've been lifting like this since I returned from Iraq with little noticable strength improvement. (this is probably due to my diet, or lack thereof) even with all the cardio I do I find myself struggling with running. Its a weakness of mine and I despise it but have to run for my job.

    Any suggestions in a workout and excersize are greatly appreciated. I'm open to changing my lifting schedule as needed. I'm just lookin to be in the best possible shape I can be and then trying to push it past that. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    It seems like unless you are consuming over 4,000 cals/day you wouldn't even be gaining any benefit from lifting due to the amount of running and cardio you do. One thing I would critique is I feel like I need my PWO shake with 90g dex and 50g protein immediately after lifting. I couldn't lift, then run 2 miles, then drink my shake. It just seems like too long to wait to get that insulin spike.

  3. #3
    max2extreme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SurfJunkie
    I was wondering if a few folks could post up a list of good excersizes to increase ovarall body strength and stamina increases. While I do plan on building some serious muscle, I really need to get into very good shape before I start worrying about getting huge. In my line of work cardio and muscle endurance are essential and I'm looking to increase them as much as possible. If anyone has any pointers or suggested excersizes I would greatly appreciate them. My current workout schedule looks something like this...

    Early morning PT. Usually consisting of a 4 mile run or more. Plus pyramid style excersizes like pushups, pull ups, sit ups, crunches and some other random military bs excersizes and stretches.

    Day one
    Chest and tris. I don't have a set list of excesizes. Usually decline bench, decline dumbell press, incline dumbell press, close hand bench, tri pull downs, fly's or crossover flys with the cable machine, skull crushers and whatever else comes to mind while I'm there. Finish up with a short run on the treadmill.

    Day 2
    Legs. Squats, leg press, leg extension, a few random leg machines and some calf raises then run for about 2 miles on the treadmill.

    Day 3.

    Day 4
    Back and bi's. Pull ups, lat pull downs, rows, some deadlifts but they always kill my lower back (probably due to improper form, I'm not sure) Then cardio workout.

    Day 5
    Shoulders and abs. Military press, shrugs, dumbell stuff. Then weighted decline sit ups, charles mansons (as we call them in the army, you hold your feet up with your legs crossed, cross your arms in front of your chest and rock back and forth touching your elbows to your knees) flutter kicks, a couple of the ab machines.

    Day 6

    I've been lifting like this since I returned from Iraq with little noticable strength improvement. (this is probably due to my diet, or lack thereof) even with all the cardio I do I find myself struggling with running. Its a weakness of mine and I despise it but have to run for my job.

    Any suggestions in a workout and excersize are greatly appreciated. I'm open to changing my lifting schedule as needed. I'm just lookin to be in the best possible shape I can be and then trying to push it past that. Thanks.
    First thing... EAT bro, like a madman. There was a time I ran like that in the military (not for my job, for sport), probably not AS much but still enough to know that you need to eat. I dont mean eat bad like pizza and cheeseburgers and fries, eat good, but just eat a lot. Thats a hefty workload on your body and for the running alone it seems you arent eating enough if you are struggling (that is if you arent pushing yourself too much). Which could be the case. Do you know that your body can handle all that running and the lifting?? Struggling and declining performance is a sign of overtraining. Can you take a week off to just rest and then start running again, perhaps just a little less (I understand its for your job, but if you alter your running a little, perhaps you'll see more benefit.). That is most important I assume, the running (perhaps not to you but to your work). So try running a little less, then after 2 weeks of lessened running, start lifting. How long have you been back from iraq (please dont say 2 weeks.. hehe).

    Then for your lifting routine, just keep it basic. For chest, just do flat bench, incline, and flies. shoulders: military press, side raises, front raises, shrugs (i do shrugs on shoulder day though they really arent). Bis: alternate curls, preacher curls, hammer curls. Tris: pushdowns, extensions, dips. Back: Pulldowns, seated rows, extensions. Legs: press, extensions, curls, calfs.

    With the amount of running you are doing, it would be extremely tough (if not impossible) to get big big. But you arent looking to get huge, you arent looking to compete, so these basic lifting exercises I think would give you the most benefit.

    Try it out, hope this helps. But remember eat. Chow hall is free right.

  4. #4
    SurfJunkie's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input max. I was wondering about overtraining. I'm headed to ranger school in may and thats the reason I've been pushing myself to do so much cardio. I'm definately not consuming enough calories... definately not. I could probably cut the cardio down... not in the mornings since thats squad/platoon PT but I could probably keep it to that and maybe just do my own long runs on weekends or days off from lifting. I lifted on and off (whenever the gym wasn't blown up) in iraq and returned in the beginning of december and started hitting the gym hard. I might have jumped into it a bit fast... I just really want this. I'm not happy with the shape I'm in right now nor my apprearence and I'm looking to change that. The chow hall isn't free... you don't have to reach into your pocket and pay, but they take 283 dollars out of your paycheck each month for it whether you use it or not. The other shitty thing about the chow hall is its not all you can eat. You get one meat, one carb and a veggie. They're stingy and the food sucks ass. So its on me to go out and buy what I need to add the additional calories. Looks like I'll have to head to the commissary. Any suggestions on what to pick up? Chicken breast, tuna, brown rice, peanut butter, brocoli and stuff like that I know are all important and I've gotten some good multivitamins and started taking those and plan on doin protien shakes for extra calories and good protien intake. I'll take all the input I can get and appreciate what has been given so far... I'll do my best to start stuffin myself.

  5. #5
    max2extreme's Avatar
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    Good to know info about you and with your attitude, I know you'll do good. First overtraining. Training breaks down your muscles. Rest builds them and makes them stronger. If you are continually breaking down your muscles (lifting and cardio), then they have no time to recover and get stronger, they are continually getting weaker and being broken down. Rest is very important. THe most common symptom of overtraining is fatigue.

    To complete Ranger School, you have to complete a 5 mile run in less than 40 mins. Can you do this? This is a goal that you want to be able to accomplish before you get to training. You also have to complete 2 road marches, full gear, one of which is 10 miles. Perhaps you need to change your workouts a little. Running wont necessarily help your marches. And just running for distance wont get you to running 5 miles at 8 min miles or less. How fast is your 5 mile run?? You also should start putting on your boots and **U's and get a full load and start hikin it. You know marchin in boots long distances arent the most comfortable, so you really should start getting used to it.

    So I guess what we need to know is, your 5 mile time, have you began to march distances with full gear, how many pushup/situps/pullups can you do in 2 mins? I trained for PJ when I was in with a friend and the most important thing, if you dont know, is to make sure you can already pass the end of training requirements before you even go to school. You will be so far ahead of people if you do. That would be something you dont have to worry about when you are getting yelled at, dropped, tired, underfed, stressed, etc.

    Also, I hope you are eating before you run in the morning. Running on an empty stomach is good for losing bf, but thats not your goal. You actually want to gain some weight because at ranger school, you will lose weight and its good to have a little to lose.

    As for food, yea, all of the stuff you mentioned are good. I would stick to good carb breakfast to get your body ready for all the energy it uses throughout your day. You dont really need much protein in the morning because youve been sleeping and your muscles dont need to recover, which is what protein does. For what you want, yea protein is important, but you dont need as much as a lot of people here because you arent considered a body builder or really a weight lifter in my opinion. Yes, you will be lifting weights, but you need more of a runners nutrition which is much different than a lifter's. but yea, eat lots of vegetables of many different colors. basically, the more colorful your meal, the better for you it is. eat fruit everyday. and yea, you need to buy a lot from the commissary. The chow hall where you are really sucks.

    Sorry this isnt that organized of a response. But I hope it helps. If you have some specific questions, Ill try to help... GOod luck!

  6. #6
    SurfJunkie's Avatar
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    I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping and I know my diet is horrible and lacking so I'm sure I'm overtraining. I'm constantly sore. I guess I'm just pushin a little too hard too fast.

    As far as Ranger school goes. I'm good to go on the rucking. Its my strongpoint. Being tall helps. At 6'4 I can get a pretty good stride in. I had no problem with the 12 miler for air assault school. So I don't think the rucking will be too bad.. granted I've never tried it on one mre a day and no sleep. So we'll see. We do ruck marches quite frequently and usually do battle runs (3 or 4 mile runs with body armor and in acu's. I can run 5 miles... not sure about in 40 minutes, never really timed myself. I'll have to try it this weekend.

    I'm not too bad on the pt test. 2 mile run is low 13 mins, will be maxing pushups (85 in two mins) by the time the next pt test comes around (hopefully) and I just about max situps, its more about the form and knockin them out quickly than it is about me gettin tired. We don't do pull ups for pt tests but I can knock out about 20 or so.

    I don't eat before I run... usually I have a glass of gatorade when I get up in the morning then shoot off to pt. I'm really not all that hungry at 530 in the am... all I can think about is going back to sleep and how much I hate running in the cold. I eat after PT. The chow hall doesn't even open till 8am. When I go to breakfast, and sometimes I don't make it at all, I get a ham and cheese omlet, biscuit with sausage gravy, and some hashbrowns or potatoes. A bowl of oatmeal and some pears or a banana.

    I'll definately be hitting up the commisarry and picking up some chicken breast, sliced turkey, things of that nature. Try to get some good carbs, rice and oatmeal and such. I'll try to up the vegitable intake. Thanks a ton for the info. I've cut down on the running in the evenings. I'll see how that helps and I'm sure upping the calorie intake will help with the lack of energy and help to building some body weight. I took a "before" pic and I'm going to use it as a guide to see if there's any improvement. I'm going to start recording my excersizes and the amount of weight I'm putting up and reps and such to try to keep track and maybe post it up for you all to critique. Thanks again for the info.

    Out of curiosity, were you a PJ? and for how long?

  7. #7
    max2extreme's Avatar
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    You sound like you are in pretty good shape. Definitely time yourself because you know they will for your test. Also, even though you dont feel hungry, try it for like 2 weeks or so, eat some oatmeal or something when you wake up before your morning PT and see if it makes your day go better and your PT go better. I bet it will. Like i said before, the avg person doing pt in the morning is only doing it in the morning to lose weight, which they dont eat. But for you, I think you really should eat something.

    As for PJ, no unfortunatly. for me, that would be the ultimate job, not because of the "job status" (pj's are pretty bad*ss imo) but what better job satisfaction is there than saving someone's life?? To me, there is none. So, in short, when I went to the recruiter, against my parent's thoughts, I was instantly taken to PJ. Was talked out of it by good ole mom. So then at my 6 year first enlistment, I decided I was going to retrain into PJ. So my friend also wanted to, and we trained for about 6 months strictly with PJ in mind and then again, I was talked out of it... this time it was friends (and then GF, now wife). So to my dismay, I didn't. I think about it a lot, but you gotta sacrifice sometimes for those you love.

    Check this website out for a (what I think) is a good exercise log. The site is still in beta so dont let its current content keep you away in the future. then on the left hand side you'll see "Printable Workout Log" CLick that and you can print it off.


  8. #8
    SurfJunkie's Avatar
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    Good deal. Thanks for the input. I'll give the chow before pt thing a shot and let ya know how it works out. What is your MOS now? When I originally enlisted I thoughht about doin combat controller or taq p with my friend... ended up goin with the army cause they could guarantee me the schools I wanted and the air force couldn't. Sometimes I wish I would have done the AF but oh well, hindsight is always 20/20

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