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Thread: Cardio

  1. #1
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    I have never really done cardio serious before, and lately I havn't done it at all. Here is my lifting routine:

    Day 1 - Abs/Chest/Tri
    Day 2 - Back/Biceps
    Day 3 - Recovery
    Day 4 - Calves/Shoulders/Traps
    Day 5 - Legs
    Day 6 - Recovery
    Day 7 - Repeat at Day 1

    When should I do cardio?

    -In the morning on an empty stomach or at night
    -Before or after lifting weights
    -On recovery days

    Also how often for someone who is still bulking.


  2. #2
    mateo112's Avatar
    mateo112 is offline Associate Member
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    if you are bulking little to none is best. probably 3 times a week max. in the morning on an empty stomach is best. take some glutimine before the a m cardio to prevent muscle loss and then eat a good breakfast.

  3. #3
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2006
    So there is no use in cardio during bulking. Because the thing is, I always want to be bulking so I'll never do cardio.

  4. #4
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    depends on your diet... if your diet is keeping you lean then you can get away with no cardio

    but cardio is good for your heart. So 3 days when bulking

  5. #5
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tard_zone
    So there is no use in cardio during bulking. Because the thing is, I always want to be bulking so I'll never do cardio.

    NO! Cardio should always be done just not as much if you were cutting. Cardio helps with being able to lift and helps assimilate protein easier as well. I did a 4 year bulk with no cardio and was miserable, I would get out of breath tying my shoes. even if you only do 1 day a week get on a bike or tread mill whatever and get that heart rate up. You wont feel so lethargic and tired

    As far as the best time if you can in the am and maybe a serving of BCAAS or a scoop of pro but more importantly just do it whenever you can

  6. #6
    The Legend's Avatar
    The Legend is offline Junior Member
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    i hate doing cardio anymore but you gotta do it. you dont realize how much better you actually feel overall just by doing it and also the benefits from it as well that everyone is mentioning

  7. #7
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2006
    So since I am bulking, how many times a week should I do it, and should it been done on workout or recovery days?

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