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  1. #1
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2004

    Arnolds Workout Modified for me?

    I want a completely new workout that ive never done before and im about to go on another cycle and i want optimal gains. im taking 700mg of prop 525mg of tren a and dbol first four weeks. So i was wondering if Arnolds workout modified would be good to gain lean muscle mass. I know alot of people will say im overtraining keep in mind im 22 yrs ol and in college i currently dont have a job i just go to school 2-3 hours a day and thats it so i have plenty of rest

    AM cardio 25min Mon-Wed Fri-Sat and 15min of abs

    PM Lift
    Mon Chest-tri's
    Bench press 4 x 6-10
    Flat bench flyes 4 x 6-10
    Incline DB bench press 6 x 6-10
    Cable crossovers 6 x 10-12
    Dips (body weight) 5 x failure
    Nosebreakers 4 X 10
    Rope Tri Ext 4 X 10

    Tues Back/Bis

    Pull ups 3 x 10
    Chin ups 3 X 10
    T-bar rows 6 x 6-8
    Deadlifts 4 x 6-10
    DB incline Curls 3 X 6-10
    DB preacher Curls 3 X 6-10
    Cable Curls 3 X 6-10

    Wed Legs

    Squats 6 x 8-12
    Leg press 4 x 8-12
    Stiff Leggers 3 x 12-15
    Good Mornings 3 x 10-12
    Barbell lunges 4 x 15
    Seated Calf Raises 5 X 15-20

    Thurs Rest

    Friday Shoulders/Tris

    Seated barbell presses 6 x 6-10
    Lateral raises (standing) 6 x 6-10
    Rear-delt lateral raises 5 x 6-10
    Cable lateral raises 5 x 10-12
    Overhead Cable Tri Ext
    One arm DB tri Ext

    Sat Legs

    Front squats 6 X 6-10
    Box Squats 6 X 6-10
    RDLs 6 X 6-10

    I know its alot up to 3sets but i have all day to eat and i sit around my dorm and play video games so im well rested for two hours to go in there and bust my tail but would like to hear from other people and their experiences for training around 20-30 sets? dont forget gear - young - wll rested

  2. #2
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2004
    Avg Diet day for me looks like this


    Oatmeal, Protein Bar, 4 boiled eggs, Sugar Free Redbull

    Brunch 30g Protein Shake

    Lunch 1lb of chicken on the grill and half lb of steak corn and brown rice

    Pre Workout
    Sugar Free Redbull - 30g protein shake


    Post workout

    PB and J on 100% wheat(8g fiber) and sugar free fat free jam and reduced fat PB
    20g Protein Bar
    1% organic Milk

    Before Bed Snack
    25 Almonds - 6 boiled eggs - 20g protein bar

    I dunno the exact numbers i didnt calculate it... its just what i eat i make sure i look at the labels and eat healthy for the most part again people can help me alter it but i can not negotiate on the milk because theres no way i can stomach skim milk ive tried too many times already

  3. #3
    Snrf's Avatar
    Snrf is offline Banned
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    I've seen worse diets, but there are problems

    for a start you're not geting the full benefit of eating a lb of chicken all at once, split it up. 16 oz at once is like 150g of protein, split that into 3 meals, it'll work better for you...theres other stuff too but head over to the diet forum and stick your diet up in a thread, use calorie king to work out the macro''ll get more help over there
    Last edited by Snrf; 02-14-2007 at 10:04 AM.

  4. #4
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    You know I was going to post what I felt was wrong with your training and diet but I thought to myself "Whats the point?"

    So instead I think you should do it, both the workout, the cycle, and diet.

    VERY soon, reality will set in and you will learn a lot.

    Good Luck.

  5. #5
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2004

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