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  1. #1
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    Dirtballs first ever training log! please critique

    alright so i havent really ever lifted weights or been into sports so im new to this. been working out at a buddys house for the past month. with next weeks paycheck im gonna get a gym membership at a very nice place close by.

    one thing id like to include is i go to work at ups doing package handling from 3am till 8 am. this work consists of mainly upper body movements using the shoulders. sometime for irregulars some can be up to 120 lbs that i must lift to eye level on a conveyer. basically intense labor for 5 hours with a 15 minute break in the middle. will this have a negative effect on training such as inproportional shoulders/upper back?ive only worked here for two weeks and all i feel is soreness in biceps and joint pain in my shoulders but should probably get used to it considering the shape of my co-workers.
    135-140 lbs(i keep jumping between the two)
    bf- guessing between 16-18%?(look at pic)

    warm up-2 minutes treadmil/stretch
    hack squats-2 sets/5 reps
    regular squats-2 sets/4 reps
    leg press- 3 sets/4 reps

    teusday-chest & tri's
    warm up-5 minutes treadmil/stretch
    bb press-2 sets/5 reps
    db press-2 set/6 reps
    incline bench-2 sets/5 reps
    decline bench-2 sets/5 reps
    skulls- 3 sets/6 reps
    behind head dumbell raises-2 sets/6 reps
    wednsday-rest day/yoga

    thursday-back & calves

    warm up-5 minutes treadmil/stretch
    (gonna reasearch more back excersizes)
    upright rows-2 sets/6 reps
    (dont know excersize name, you lean on bench with knee and hand, while other leg is on ground and i pull up vertically a dumbell to work out back)

    calve raises-3 sets/8 reps

    (this day is gonna need some work) suggestions?

    stretch/run 1 mile.

    saturday-shoulders & bi's
    (gonna research more shoulder excersizes)
    front military press-2 sets/6 reps
    back military press-2 sets/6 reps
    db military press- 2 sets/6 reps
    bb curls-3 sets/6 reps
    db curls-3 sets/6 reps
    preacher curls-2 sets/4 reps

    notice how im doing low rep/high weight excersizes, with some cardio. this is because i will be ingesting rediculous amounts of steak/eggs/potatoes/fish/pasta/veggies. mega dosing bcaa's, and 3 prolab nlarge2 shakes a day. im looking for quality mass and strength gains and not necessarilly to much into tone or definition.

    i know this is going to need a lot of work so i would greatly appreciate any input! please! thank you in advanced, yours truly -dirtball

    and the pic, (been posted before in members pic forum)

    Last edited by dirtball_619; 02-15-2007 at 11:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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  3. #3
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    your BF estimation is far off....I'd say more like 12%

    @ 135-140 you better throw up a diet to be critiqued and start bulking!!

    Looks as though you may be overtraining on some of those days.

    Check out narks/chest's/uber's/my workout journal to get a feel and post your diet in the diet section.

    Good luck bro

  4. #4
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    Deadlifts should be on back day, so should lats.

    I personaly switch traps between back and sholder day every week.

    That workout you posted is alittle advanced for a beginner. Stick with the three major lifts (bench, squat, deadlift) as the base for your routine. With some assistance movements incorperated on corresponding days. Compound movements will alow you to pack on the most skeletal muscle (base muscle).

    stay away from shaping exercises for now ie: concentration curls, etc.

    Your diet is going to be the biggest factor here. Get it on point.
    check the diet forum. Good luck.

  5. #5
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    I agree with MOTO...

    Your overlaping alot by doing legs one day then wanting to do Deadlift the next for back (I KNOW you have DL on leg day but you will probably change to doing it for back.)

    Plus you do arms after chest and shoulders after chest which is going to tear up your shoulders.

    HOWEVER I do like that you seem to want to lift with less sets and heavy weight and you will do the basic three lifts as well.

    also your only training 4 days a week which is what I do. so you have a good base.

    Here is what I recomend.

    Tues: Chest and Tris
    Wens: Off
    Thurs: Back/Calves
    Fri: Off or cardo/yoga
    Sat: Shoulders and bis

  6. #6
    MFT81's Avatar
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    also dont make the same mistake when I first started bulking by eating a ton of shit and not doing cardio.

    Getting winded tying your shoes is not healthy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    ok so i just updated the first post, please tell me what ya think. what day should i add in traps and lats?

  8. #8
    MFT81's Avatar
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    warm up-2 minutes treadmil/stretch
    hack squats-2 sets/5 reps
    regular squats-2 sets/4 reps
    leg press- 3 sets/4 reps

    Need one or two things for Hams like leg curls or Stiff Leg Deads
    teusday-chest & tri's
    warm up-5 minutes treadmil/stretch
    bb press-2 sets/5 reps
    db press-2 set/6 reps
    No need for both do one or other
    incline bench-2 sets/5 reps
    decline bench-2 sets/5 reps
    Get rid of decline for now or exchange for dips
    skulls- 3 sets/6 reps
    behind head dumbell raises-2 sets/6 reps
    wednsday-rest day/yoga

    thursday-back & calves

    warm up-5 minutes treadmil/stretch
    (gonna reasearch more back excersizes)
    upright rows-2 sets/6 reps
    (dont know excersize name, you lean on bench with knee and hand, while other leg is on ground and i pull up vertically a dumbell to work out back)

    calve raises-3 sets/8 reps

    (this day is gonna need some work) suggestions?
    1. Deadlift
    2. Barbell Row.
    3. Cable row
    4. Pullups
    5. CG Pulldowns

    1. Seated raises
    2. Standing raises


    stretch/run 1 mile.

    saturday-shoulders & bi's
    (gonna research more shoulder excersizes)
    front military press-2 sets/6 reps
    back military press-2 sets/6 reps
    db military press- 2 sets/6 reps
    No need to do all three presses pick one to start then do like lateral raises with rear delt raises or upright rows with rear delt. also no need to do front delt raises cause these will progress with your bench work with chest
    bb curls-3 sets/6 reps
    db curls-3 sets/6 reps
    preacher curls-2 sets/4 reps

    Check out I think for a million differnt ideas for every body part with a short example of how to do each one.

  9. #9
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    here is an alternate split.....

    Mon: Quads and Calves
    Tues: Shoulders, Bis, and abs
    Wens: Off/ Cardio-yoga
    Thurs: Back, Hams,
    Sat: Chest, Tris, Calves

  10. #10
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81

    warm up-2 minutes treadmil/stretch
    hack squats-2 sets/5 reps
    regular squats-2 sets/4 reps
    leg press- 3 sets/4 reps

    Need one or two things for Hams like leg curls or Stiff Leg Deads
    teusday-chest & tri's
    warm up-5 minutes treadmil/stretch
    bb press-2 sets/5 reps
    db press-2 set/6 reps
    No need for both do one or other
    incline bench-2 sets/5 reps
    decline bench-2 sets/5 reps
    Get rid of decline for now or exchange for dips
    skulls- 3 sets/6 reps
    behind head dumbell raises-2 sets/6 reps
    wednsday-rest day/yoga

    thursday-back & calves

    warm up-5 minutes treadmil/stretch
    (gonna reasearch more back excersizes)
    upright rows-2 sets/6 reps
    (dont know excersize name, you lean on bench with knee and hand, while other leg is on ground and i pull up vertically a dumbell to work out back)

    calve raises-3 sets/8 reps

    (this day is gonna need some work) suggestions?
    1. Deadlift
    2. Barbell Row.
    3. Cable row
    4. Pullups
    5. CG Pulldowns

    1. Seated raises
    2. Standing raises


    stretch/run 1 mile.

    saturday-shoulders & bi's
    (gonna research more shoulder excersizes)
    front military press-2 sets/6 reps
    back military press-2 sets/6 reps
    db military press- 2 sets/6 reps
    No need to do all three presses pick one to start then do like lateral raises with rear delt raises or upright rows with rear delt. also no need to do front delt raises cause these will progress with your bench work with chest
    bb curls-3 sets/6 reps
    db curls-3 sets/6 reps
    preacher curls-2 sets/4 reps

    Check out I think for a million differnt ideas for every body part with a short example of how to do each one.
    looks good to me dude! personally I like to work in the 6-12 rep range...
    Last edited by S.P.G; 02-15-2007 at 02:06 PM.

  11. #11
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81

    warm up-2 minutes treadmil/stretch
    hack squats-2 sets/5 reps
    regular squats-2 sets/4 reps
    leg press- 3 sets/4 reps

    Need one or two things for Hams like leg curls or Stiff Leg Deads
    teusday-chest & tri's
    warm up-5 minutes treadmil/stretch
    bb press-2 sets/5 reps
    db press-2 set/6 reps
    No need for both do one or other
    incline bench-2 sets/5 reps
    decline bench-2 sets/5 reps
    Get rid of decline for now or exchange for dips
    skulls- 3 sets/6 reps
    behind head dumbell raises-2 sets/6 reps
    wednsday-rest day/yoga

    thursday-back & calves

    warm up-5 minutes treadmil/stretch
    (gonna reasearch more back excersizes)
    upright rows-2 sets/6 reps
    (dont know excersize name, you lean on bench with knee and hand, while other leg is on ground and i pull up vertically a dumbell to work out back)

    calve raises-3 sets/8 reps

    (this day is gonna need some work) suggestions?
    1. Deadlift
    2. Barbell Row.
    3. Cable row
    4. Pullups
    5. CG Pulldowns

    1. Seated raises
    2. Standing raises


    stretch/run 1 mile.

    saturday-shoulders & bi's
    (gonna research more shoulder excersizes)
    front military press-2 sets/6 reps
    back military press-2 sets/6 reps
    db military press- 2 sets/6 reps
    No need to do all three presses pick one to start then do like lateral raises with rear delt raises or upright rows with rear delt. also no need to do front delt raises cause these will progress with your bench work with chest
    bb curls-3 sets/6 reps
    db curls-3 sets/6 reps
    preacher curls-2 sets/4 reps

    Check out I think for a million differnt ideas for every body part with a short example of how to do each one.

    I like this split. the only thing that concerns me is the amout of exercises per muscle group. You could end up overtraining. But somthing like that is very individual specific. just payattention to what your body is telling you, It can be difficult at first but you'll learn how to interpret signals from yout body. do some reading on overtraining for mor info. is the page MTF was directing you to. Good stuff there.
    Last edited by MotoLifter; 02-15-2007 at 03:05 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Your mom's room
    thanks guys ill do alittle reading and hit you guys back with what i got

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