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  1. #1
    scrapakilla is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    preventing overtraining

    Hi i have been doing some brazilian jiu jitsu lately and it is very taxing on the body. For weight training i train a full body workout 3 times a week, mon wed and fri, and it does me very well i have been training like this for years and i swear by it as far as body building goals go. I do about 30 sets total and hit about 5 sets for each muscle group. As far as bjj goes i can train on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays and im looking to get in two sessions a week. For purposes of recovery would it be better for me to train
    mon weights
    tues bjj
    wed weights
    thurs bjj
    fri weights and rest on the weekend. Or would it be better for me to place the rest periods spread out a little more such as
    mon weights
    tues bjj
    wed weights
    thurs rest
    fri weights
    sat bjj
    sun rest.

    Thanks i am just trying to recover the best possible and i am not sure if it is better to get a longer rest over the weekend, versus a shorter rest but nontheless a good rest between every few workouts.

  2. #2
    trenzbyotch's Avatar
    trenzbyotch is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007
    the STL
    try training upper body 1 day, next day rest then lowerbody, rest etc.. should allow more recovery with all that bjj. 30+sets per workout and i'd be overtrained like a mofo.. give it a try you body will thank you

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