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  1. #1
    bigguybret's Avatar
    bigguybret is offline New Member
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    6'8" tall.. Leg Curls, Knotting me up BAD!!

    Being that I have yet to hit the gym hard yet, I'm remembering back to my college days and how hard it was for me to work out my leg biceps. I'm 6'8 3/4" --- 6'9" if you must. Thing is I can get on the leg curl machine and bust out maybe 1 set of 8 of my desired weight but after that I've ALWAYS had to cut my leg biceps short due to knotting and cramping of the muscle. I'm sure you all have dealt with this too but it becomes sooo bad that I cannot take certain steps for fear it will knot up again and at night.... WHOA.. at night.. one wrong move and I'm laying there for 15-30sec of BAD knotting.. with the ability to do nothing but wait for it to subside (THIS REALLY SUCKS!). This is my ONE weakness in bodybuilding.. Due to this weakness I've just slacked on working them out. I'm up for any ideas as to what this problem might be. I've talked with friends in college back then and they seem to have knotting but not nearly as bad as me.. Some have said it's calcium but I LOVE milk... and used to drink it day and night.. So I don't see lack of calcium as an excuse. The only conclusion I can come to is maybe overly stretch them this time around. Or ease up on the weight. But being so tall maybe it Inevitable that I'll never have a clean workout with them due to me being such a TALL person. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    cwhid's Avatar
    cwhid is offline Junior Member
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    leg biceps..... How are your arm calf workouts? first off don't ever say leg biceps again it makes you sound like you have no idea what your talking about. The two major muscles of the leg are the quadriceps(quads) and hamstrings(hams). Leg extensions will work mainly the quads and leg curls will hit mainly the hams. If you are cramping(not knotting) it is probably due to dehydration. Drink more water throughout the day...were talking a gallon a day. Also it may help to drink a gatorade during your workout. Try less weight and work your way up to more weight. Also try eating more potassium...bananas are a great source of this. My reccomendation. A banana pre workout and a gatorade during your workout and Tons of water throughout the day and you should be fine. Lower the weight and make sure to keep your toes pointed down if doing lying leg curls. Also STRECH very good before your workout, between sets, and finish with a nice long stretch after your workouts.

  3. #3
    bigguybret's Avatar
    bigguybret is offline New Member
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    Cedar Park, TX
    ya sorry.. hehe was reading good ole Arnolds book (Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding) and was caught up in him calling them leg biceps!! Which reminded me what a problem I have with my hammys cramping. Anyway I will put to use your advice. Thanks a bunch!


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