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  1. #1
    kal300's Avatar
    kal300 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006

    Please critique my leg workout

    Age 27, weight 88KG. My goal is to add size and strength (I have weak legs)
    no injuries but my left knee start to hurt after leg Extension

    Legs Day:
    Supersets: 4 sets Leg Curls 15reps + 4 sets Dumbbell DeadLift.
    Leg curls first set 40KG 15reps
    Leg curls 2-4 set 45KG 15reps
    Dumbbell DeadLift: 4 sets 12KG 15reps

    Leg Extensions: 4 sets 15reps

    First set 35KG 15reps
    Second set 40KG 15reps
    Third set 45KG 15reps
    Fourth set 50KG 15reps
    Rest 1min then drop sets:
    First set 50KG 8reps
    Second set 45KG 8reps
    Third set 40KG 8reps
    Fourth set 35KG 8reps

    Leg Press: 4 sets
    First set 40KG 15reps
    Second set 80KG 15reps
    Third set 100KG 15reps
    Fourth set 120KG 15reps
    Rest 2min then drop sets:
    First set 120KG 8reps
    Second set 100KG 8reps
    Third set 80KG 8reps
    Fourth set 40KG 8reps

    Barbell Squat: 4 sets 10reps
    First set 20KG 10reps
    2-4 sets 30KG 10reps
    Last edited by kal300; 08-08-2007 at 04:52 AM.

  2. #2
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    In my house
    When you say 20KG, you mean just the bar? You're not on any gear yet are you?

    You need to concentrate on mass building exercises. Plus leg extensions are hard on the knees, if you have knee pain, don't do extensions. You probably have calves smaller then my forearms too. So we'll add lots of that.

    This is to build strength and size about half and half. Do 2 or 3 warmups first. Then load at 90% of 1 rep max. for 3 reps. Work most of these with pairs.

    squats 6 sets by 3 reps
    Romanian deadlift 6 sets by 3 reps

    Pair these with 12 sets of calf raises or calf press, stop just short of failure, around 5 reps. Not seated. You knees must be straight. The soleus gets worked enough with squats so we concentrate on gastrocs here.

    After that do 3x3 sumo stance deadlift loaded with all 25 lbs plates so it is lower to the ground. This works the inner thigh which is important for the look of your legs.

    1 minute rest when alternating between squat and calf raise, or deadlift and calf raise. 2 minutes between straight sets of sumos.

    This should take you about an hour to do, and a brutal hour it will be.

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