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  1. #1
    ninjazx14 is offline Associate Member
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    help on my workout plan

    Im 6'4 300lbs 26% body fat. im trying to cut my weight down and BF before i go to the army in 2-3 months.

    im working on my 6 meal plan right now. when should i work out to burn the most fat.

    i do 1 hour of cardio and i want to do weights but im not sure what weights i should be doing.

    also should i do my cardio in the morning on a empty stomach to burn the most weight.

  2. #2
    Gym Freak's Avatar
    Gym Freak is offline Junior Member
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    Cardio on an empty stomach in the morning is the way to go 3-5 times a week. If you are really motivated then you can do two a day sessions. Just progressively work your time and or length of running up week by week. As far as weight just start off with a circuit training routine, and as you get more comfortable then start changing things up a bit. That's a bit basic but hey it's a start.

  3. #3
    ninjazx14 is offline Associate Member
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    ok if i want to loose BF fast i should stick to a 6 meal a day plan and do cardio twice a day. how is once at 6am on E then when i get home have meal one. then 1-2 hours after meal 5 i do 1 more hour of cardio then come home and eat meal 6. that will burn the BF the fastest right.

  4. #4
    Gym Freak's Avatar
    Gym Freak is offline Junior Member
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    Theoretically yes. But the question is what are you meal choices going to be for those 6 given meals?

  5. #5
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    IMO I would do some circuit training to add some lean muscle mass. Adding 1 lb of lean muscle burns like an extra 70 calories per lb you add. Add 5 lbs of lean muscle you will burn and extra 350 calories a day. Do your circuits then hit your cardio right after is what I would do. Then hit cardio again later in the day to get that afterburn of calories to happen twice a day.

  6. #6
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    I was in the army and i'm telling you, you have to get your bf% down! Your going to be doing alot of running you might as well get used to it.

  7. #7
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Here is some more advice... Do runs, push-ups, and sit-ups (core). Weight train secondary to that.

    I am talking as if you have never ran... start off running 1 mile everyday.. doesn't matter time. then go to 2 miles non-stop... then do 3 miles non-stop.. then get to 4 miles if you can.... then go back and time yourself on 2 mile run... get your time to at least a 15 min mile before you go in. If you do this you will get ahead of the game. Also, if you get to 4 miles frequently you will lose your weight. don't worry about losing muscle... it won't matter once you go in any way..

    To do this in a 2-3 month time frame you will really have to push it... if you start running short, then cut the 4 miles out of it and focus on the timed runs..

  8. #8
    ninjazx14 is offline Associate Member
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    i can do a 15 min mile right now.

  9. #9
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Training Hardcore Style
    Quote Originally Posted by ninjazx14 View Post
    i can do a 15 min mile right now.
    shave it down as far as possible then.

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