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  1. #1
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    whats the best way to lift on a cutting cycle??

    Hey guys, i was wondering whats the best way to lift if your on a cutting cycle.
    here are my stats

    6' 4" 280lbs 27%bf

    current cycle 5 weeks in:

    sust eod

    var ed 20mg

    im currently working out lower weight and higher reps (ie 12-15 reps to failure) about 8 to 10 exercises per muscle group...

    since building muscle helps metabolism, should i lift heavier weight???

    when i started this cycle i weighed over 300lbs so i know im doing something right, im just trying to tweak it to the best of my ability..
    any advice would be appreciated... thx

  2. #2
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    8-10 reps is best for adding muscle mass during a bulk and 8-10 reps is best for maintaining muscle mass during a cut.

  3. #3
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland;406***6
    8-10 reps is best for adding muscle mass during a bulk and 8-10 reps is best for maintaining muscle mass during a cut.

  4. #4
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    You are way to fat to be using steroids . All its going to do is make you even fatter looking and strong. Cause your diet is obviously shit. Just being honest and no offense I understand your on a "cutting cycle" to trim the bf. If your purpose was to bulk up to 27% bf during a "bulk cycle," then that isn't very healthy fyi.

  5. #5
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    You are way to fat to be using steroids.
    I disagree! That's when you need steroids the most because without steroids you lose a lot more lean muscle during a dieting phase-hence the metabolism will slow down instead of speed up.

  6. #6
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    When trying to get ripped, you can perform 8-12 sets per major body part once a week or do a twice a week muscle training program utlizing up to 6 sets per exercise to burn off additional calories. You should utilize 2-4 exercises per body part. You will want to stay near the medium rep-range (8-10 reps) on every set. There's no need in working in the 4-6 rep range when cutting because it increases ones chance for injury. In addition, there's no value in doing high reps in the 12-15 rep range because you'll need to train with moderate reps to hold onto as much muscle mass humanly possible. 8-10 reps is best for adding muscle mass during a bulk and 8-10 reps is best for maintaining muscle mass during a cut. Basically, you will be doing one long drawn out blasting phase the entire duration in order to burn up glycogen levels and extra calories.

  7. #7
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I disagree! That's when you need steroids the most because without steroids you lose a lot more lean muscle during a dieting phase-hence the metabolism will slow down instead of speed up.

    I understand that. My problem is him relying on steroids to cut. Then once he is off them he blows right back up. I just get bewildered at the lack of effort of some people of wanting to be fit. It is a lifestyle! Not some hobby you pick up for a year. I am speaking in general, no offense to this guy.

  8. #8
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    I understand that. My problem is him relying on steroids to cut. Then once he is off them he blows right back up. I just get bewildered at the lack of effort of some people of wanting to be fit. It is a lifestyle! Not some hobby you pick up for a year. I am speaking in general, no offense to this guy.
    Let's hope he doesn't blow back up.

  9. #9
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    im gonna have to take offense to your statement about bf and cutting... i guess you didn't read my whole original post. iv dropped over 25lbs of fat and gained about 12lbs of muscle and im only half way through my cycle..... hummm my diet is shit huh???? positive nitrogen retention can work miracles. how is it that im getting back to looking like me and not someone who's "too fat" to be doing steroids ... take your judgmental ass home and find the fill for your ego somewhere else.. im living proof that, with correct diet and exercise, use of steroids for cutting and getting back into shape is possible. ohh and btw 27% is a very rough and very high estimate.. i place worst case scenarios since im not completly sure of the percentage... everyone is amazed at the progress iv made and i need to buy new cloths cuz everything doesn't fit me now thx to the weight loss... too much ego buddy, have a nice day

  10. #10
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    no reason to blow back up if you stick to the right diet and exercise routine, simple science kids... i keep my diet clean, n i mean to keep it that way

  11. #11
    3v1lj03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    im gonna have to take offense to your statement about bf and cutting... i guess you didn't read my whole original post. iv dropped over 25lbs of fat and gained about 12lbs of muscle and im only half way through my cycle..... hummm my diet is shit huh???? positive nitrogen retention can work miracles. how is it that im getting back to looking like me and not someone who's "too fat" to be doing steroids ... take your judgmental ass home and find the fill for your ego somewhere else.. im living proof that, with correct diet and exercise, use of steroids for cutting and getting back into shape is possible. ohh and btw 27% is a very rough and very high estimate.. i place worst case scenarios since im not completly sure of the percentage... everyone is amazed at the progress iv made and i need to buy new cloths cuz everything doesn't fit me now thx to the weight loss... too much ego buddy, have a nice day
    WOW very nice way to stand up dude

  12. #12
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Doing a great job!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    im gonna have to take offense to your statement about bf and cutting... i guess you didn't read my whole original post. iv dropped over 25lbs of fat and gained about 12lbs of muscle and im only half way through my cycle..... hummm my diet is shit huh???? positive nitrogen retention can work miracles. how is it that im getting back to looking like me and not someone who's "too fat" to be doing steroids ... take your judgmental ass home and find the fill for your ego somewhere else.. im living proof that, with correct diet and exercise, use of steroids for cutting and getting back into shape is possible. ohh and btw 27% is a very rough and very high estimate.. i place worst case scenarios since im not completly sure of the percentage... everyone is amazed at the progress iv made and i need to buy new cloths cuz everything doesn't fit me now thx to the weight loss... too much ego buddy, have a nice day
    I agree..Arnold and Franco took more steroids getting ready for their competitions than post competition. There's no reason whatsoever you should gain a bunch of bodyfat post cycle. Hang in there bro!

  13. #13
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    hey, i dont mean to sound like an ass.. you guys have no idea how much this forum has helped me do things CORRECTLY... i appreciate everyones input and im sure there are people out there who are not doing things correctly, but discouraging people who have made life changes with a focus that rivals a razors edge is not what this forum is for....

    thx for all the advice guys, imma do my sets 8 to 10 from now on

  14. #14
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Seriously Gl! I hope everything works out for you.

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