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Thread: stretching.

  1. #1
    wmrebel is offline Junior Member
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    Exactly how important is stretching. Id like to say its very important because i've been out for three weeks with a pulled hamstring but i just want to see everyones input on the situation.

  2. #2
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    It depends on the particular athletic endeavor your after. If your trying to Power Lift and go for maximal force production. Stretching before competition is probably not the best idea. If your in a sport that requires a increased ROM such as in golf or baseball then stretching after warming up is shown to improve ROM. Stretching has not been shown to decrease the likely hood of injury during competition. In fact some research has suggested that in some instances and some sports it may increase injury risk, though this is in the minority of findings.

    For weight training stretching before hand may not be beneficial. Various studies have looked at how stretching effects the mechanoreceptors in the muscles and joints. It is believed by some that by stretching there is a short term change in how the mechanoreceptors function. This causes the body to falsely calculate how much load a muscle or tendon is under and at what angle the joints are at as related to the body.

  3. #3
    wilson9d's Avatar
    wilson9d is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    It depends on the particular athletic endeavor your after. If your trying to Power Lift and go for maximal force production. Stretching before competition is probably not the best idea. If your in a sport that requires a increased ROM such as in golf or baseball then stretching after warming up is shown to improve ROM. Stretching has not been shown to decrease the likely hood of injury during competition. In fact some research has suggested that in some instances and some sports it may increase injury risk, though this is in the minority of findings.

    For weight training stretching before hand may not be beneficial. Various studies have looked at how stretching effects the mechanoreceptors in the muscles and joints. It is believed by some that by stretching there is a short term change in how the mechanoreceptors function. This causes the body to falsely calculate how much load a muscle or tendon is under and at what angle the joints are at as related to the body.

    MuscleScience, is exactly right on all of this info. Some studies show that stretching after exercise is ideal. personally I find that a good warm-up prior to any activity lifting or otherwise gives me the highest level of performance and a good stretch after vigorous exercise helps in recovery and overall athleticism.

  4. #4
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    100% agree with the above. just do 2 light warmup sets.

  5. #5
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    warm up sets before.

    stretch after

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