I am about to began a cycle,consisting of test-e,tren -e
And I am wondering if i should just stick with my current routine,or change it up,or what?

my goal is to gain as much lean muscle mass as possible,I believe I am an ecto-mesomorph
I am currently
28yrs old
200lbs> would like 230lbs, 7% bf
10% bf, skin calipers
have been training for a solid and consistent 3yrs now
diet is clean,with an occasional cheat day

My current workout consists of 3 days, heavy lifting,focusing on negative,low reps

i always do a 5 min cardio warm up,and stretch before hitting the weights

-flat bench,bb 8-6-4-2,burnout
+flat flyes,db- 1 superset
-seated shoulder press,bb 8-6-4-2,burnout
+staning lat raises,db 1 superset
-weighted bar dips-4x to failure
+tricep cable pushdowns 1 superset
flat crunches- 4x to fail

-squats,bb 8-6-4-2,burnout
+leg exts 1 superset
-stiff leg deadlifts 8-6-4-2,burnout
+lying or standing ham curls 1 superset
-seated calf raises,strip sets to failure
incline reverse leg lifts,abs- 4x to fail

-weighted wide pull ups-to failure
-bent over rows,bb 8-6-4-2,burnout
+lat cable,reverse,underhand pull-downs 1 superset
-standing db curls> superset with reverse ez bar curls-3 sets to fail
flat crunches- 4x to fail