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  1. #1
    COMEBACK54 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Question really need some help

    .Hi all,
    I stumbled on this site and was so I am pressed with the encouragement and comradery that was here among members.
    so today January 28, 2009 I joined,
    I am 54 yr male , was in good shape in early 40's and due to a huge promotion
    I took a job working 80 hours a week and , gained 100 lbs.
    with the economy I no longer have the job just the effects of a 100 lb weight gain, my health is reasonably good.
    I know ill never be a ripped 30 yr old again but would like to drop 75 lbs with out being a bag of old loose skin.
    If any of you have any suggestions for me to get started and stay on track id really appreciate any suggestion you may have,
    my doctor recently put me on testosterone replacement and that's how I happened on this site.

    I realize the diet is the first thing, and started reading up on this, any suggestion on how much and how often and what type of work out I need to consider?

    I am 54 male 5 11 270 lbs carry a lot of weight in my upper body above waist
    I am a solid fat guy not sloppy I do have a Buddha belly,big tits have some bi ceps, have strength.
    I am so tiered of being over weight and looking bad in cloths, but at 54 do not want to become a bag of skin.
    should be an interesting journey at my age to see what I can accomplish, please help, thanks Comeback54

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    I would hit the tread mill 4/5 times aweek for 45/60 mins for starters..

  3. #3
    COMEBACK54 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    well that makes me feel goodit the first step i am taking dug the tread mill out of storage yesterday,7 years old, never used! Thanks Mad Matt

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