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  1. #1
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    Direct training ok after indirect training previous day?

    Anyone feel like for example, training chest on monday, waking up and realising triceps are partially sore, then still going and training triceps directly that preceeding day (Chest monday, triceps tusday) is ok, or results in ovrtraining considering it is in a moderat-advanced lifter eating enough and training intensely with most sets near or at failure.

  2. #2
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Nope, bad idea. Rather your triceps are sore or not I would give them at least 48 hours between training them directly or indirectly.

  3. #3
    Alphatier's Avatar
    Alphatier is offline Member
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    Second Dobie, I wouldn't work triceps on the day after chest, and biceps on the day after back. JMO thou.

  4. #4
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    I currently do triceps with chest

    my split goes like this

    off /cardio

    Sometimes i rotate the back and chest/tri day
    this is a new split i have just started and its been working great for me

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios View Post
    I currently do triceps with chest

    my split goes like this

    off /cardio

    Sometimes i rotate the back and chest/tri day
    this is a new split i have just started and its been working great for me
    where are traps, abs, obliques, forearms, and calves

  6. #6
    bcbrett is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios View Post
    I currently do triceps with chest

    my split goes like this

    off /cardio

    Sometimes i rotate the back and chest/tri day
    this is a new split i have just started and its been working great for me
    Do you feel your tris are burnt out after an intense chest work out? I know there is no possible way i could work my shoulders after chest and i imagine my triceps would be the same.

  7. #7
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    where are traps, abs, obliques, forearms, and calves
    The same place as any other human body lol jk. Abs I do twice weekly on cardio days. Traps are on shoulder day. Calves were legs last time I checked and forearms I rarely work, they have always been big and they seem to get a good enough workout with everything else. Obliques are in there with abs too. My reason for putting up my current split wasn't for a critique. Rather showing that muscles worked indirectly don't really fall within less than 2 days of one another. Thanks though I guess

  8. #8
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcbrett View Post
    Do you feel your tris are burnt out after an intense chest work out? I know there is no possible way i could work my shoulders after chest and i imagine my triceps would be the same.
    Yes, definately so. it is good to do chest then tris for awhile, and OCCASIONALLY do tris first (before chest). This will prefatigue your tris and force more work on the chest. Notice I said OCCASIONALLY. And I also OCCASIONALLY designate a day for arms. But I think the best idea, in general, is to do tris after chest and bis after back. My saying is, "everything works, some things work better than others and nothing works continuously".

  9. #9
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    Yes, definately so. it is good to do chest then tris for awhile, and OCCASIONALLY do tris first (before chest). This will prefatigue your tris and force more work on the chest. Notice I said OCCASIONALLY. And I also OCCASIONALLY designate a day for arms. But I think the best idea, in general, is to do tris after chest and bis after back. My saying is, "everything works, some things work better than others and nothing works continuously".
    AGREED My tricep workout usually comes after chest, however sometimes I'll hit tris hard first and take it easy on chest. I cant do shoulders in the same day as chest, I need a day or two at least in between

  10. #10
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    thanks you guys, I pretty much think so too. I think it is highly probabl that it will lead to overtraining.

    Heres the thing, I only need 3 days rest for any bodypart really, to make progress, according to my logs and just how I feel. Im trying to switch to a new routine to break up th manotony so im open for intlligent layouts....

  11. #11
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
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    I read an article once, (I wasnt really fond of it) but it explained how sometimes it is ok to train a bodypart the day after it was indirectly trained because of the nutrient absorption from the day before.

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