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Thread: what u think

  1. #1
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    what u think

    leg extension 3x15
    squat 3x15
    leg Curl 3x15
    romanian dead lift 3x15
    seated calf raises 3x15
    standing calf raises 3x15

    chest fly 3x15
    chest press 3x15
    lateral raise 3x15
    shoulder press 3x15
    dumb bell tricp extension 3x15

    bent over dumb bell fly 3x15
    seated rows 3x15
    bicep curls 3x15
    barbell curl 3x15
    shrugs 3x15
    barbell shrugs 3/15

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    3 sets of seated rows and some bent over DB fly's for rear delts are not going to cut it for a back workout.
    3 sets of extensions for tri's?
    Leg day is not too bad although I would like to see another mass movement included instead of the extensions.

  3. #3
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    what could i replace the seated row with. whats wrong the 3 sets of tris

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I would not replace the seated row I would just add exercises. Your back is comprised of several large and small muscles and doing 1 movement for them is not enough. I prefer at least 4 exercises at 3 sets a piece. 2 rowing movements and 2 pulldown movements with some deadlifts mixed in as well.

    As far as triceps goes, I think 3 sets is a little light as well. If you are going to just do one exercise at at least pic a more basic movement like weighted dips, overhead DB extensions or close grip benches.

  5. #5
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    am 18 years old 183 lb 5'10 10 to 12 bf am trying to go up to 205 at 9bf do u think this workout would be good for my goals

  6. #6
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    Since you are doing each bodypart twice a week the volume is ok. You can add one more set or throw in a different exercise as u go. Six days is alot of training though. What was your previous workout like?

  7. #7
    bcbrett is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by srebrenica View Post
    leg extension 3x15
    squat 3x15
    leg Curl 3x15
    romanian dead lift 3x15
    seated calf raises 3x15
    standing calf raises 3x15

    chest fly 3x15
    chest press 3x15
    lateral raise 3x15
    shoulder press 3x15
    dumb bell tricp extension 3x15

    bent over dumb bell fly 3x15
    seated rows 3x15
    bicep curls 3x15
    barbell curl 3x15
    shrugs 3x15
    barbell shrugs 3/15
    Since you are doing each body group twice a week why not switch the work out. Example of what i mean. On wednesday do your rows and saturday focus more on your lats with pull downs or or chain saws.
    On tuesday your doing chest press, so on friday do incline dumbel presses and incline flys.

    If you want to keep each work out light on the body part your training try and witch it up every work out so you incorporate everything by the end of the week.

  8. #8
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I don't repond as well to 15 reps. I would go with a wietght that I cannot do 15 times for three sets to maximize growth. Great advice for you so far but your reps are too high to promote proper breakdown IMO. Increase wieght and reduce reps to atleast 12 if not ten(my prefererred reps is 6-10 for best growth) Good luck. 15 min is only good for fast recuperating muxcle groups like the calves and abs.

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