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Thread: if your bored

  1. #1
    jmax is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2005

    if your bored

    answer this. Decided to lay off the weights for a while and started doing pushups, pullups and situps. needed something different and to rest my soreness (joints) i do alot of sets and all to failure. my ?? Is this a waste of time , i mean should i maybe just lighten the poundage and cont. the weights. stats.40y/o, 200lbs. 6'hgt. i'm thinkin this will help "slide" back into my regular w/o.

  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Aug 2005
    i wouldnt say its a waste of time.
    but once you wanna get back into the gym and lifting weights id start out with lighter weights and see how it feels. i dont really concentrate on weights or reps. i concentrate on how it feels. if i only do 10 reps of a 45 pound db curls and i get a bad ass pump. then im happy.

    so id say when you get back in start at lower weights then when you got out of the gym obviously. until you see where your strength is now. but ive found that if i take a break from the gym for a week or 2... that my pumps are insane. and thats what your aiming for. getting that blood into the muscle and forcing it to grow.

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